Use this page to search for a commemorative tile at the Heinz History Center. Made of iron, aluminum, or stainless steel, each tile is engraved with an individual’s or company’s name up to 75 characters long. Visitors who purchase tiles are also invited to write a 250-word tribute.

For more information or to purchase a commemorative tile, please visit the Commemorative Gifts page.

Searchable Database

Last NameFloorRoomRow/ColumnRow/Col IDNumberInscriptionMore Information
Action Transit Enterprises, Inc.1Great HallRow2111Action Transit Enterprises, Inc.
Adams1Great HallRow335Mary MacKay Adams: Early Pioneer - 1767
Addams1Great HallRow426Central Council Pres. Col. and Mrs. Merle Addams: Jeannine, Dean, Evanne and Ken
Aerotech, Inc.1Great HallColumnF28Aerotech, Inc.
Agnew1Great HallRow2152Frank E. Agnew, Jr.: Given by Penny and Bill AgnewRead more
Aiken1Great HallColumnD32William James Aiken, Mary Little Aiken
Aiken1Great HallColumnD34William James Aiken, Jr., Jean Risser Aiken
Aiken1Great HallColumnE128John Connell Aiken, Ruth Alexander Aiken: ParentsRead more
Albano1Great HallColumnG178The Albano Family: Fruits and VegetablesRead more
Albert1Great HallColumnG147For Margaret "Peg" Albert: From Her Many Friends
Albertini2InnovationsRow516Susie Eleanora (Aiello) and Battista Albertini
Allegheny Foothills Historical Society2InnovationsRow249Allegheny Foothills Historical Society
Allegheny Intermediate Unit2InnovationsRow226Allegheny Intermediate Unit: 25 Year Anniversary
Allegro1Great HallRow130Sam and Emilia Allegro
Altman1Great HallRow4121Kendra Leigh Altman, Shannon Marie Altman
Alvin1Great HallColumnG173Guirino W. Alvin, MD: Surgeon, Hospital Founder
American Textile1Great HallColumnE29American Textile 75th Anniversary, August 26, 2000
Amis1Great HallColumnB75Elizabeth Keen Amis
Amis1Great HallColumnB76Winfrey Polk Amis
Amis1Great HallColumnB77William Bruce Amis, Jr., Elizabeth Brinkley Amis
Amuso2InnovationsRow225Frank Amuso and Rose Amuso: Father, MotherRead more
Anderson1Great HallColumnF104Minton M. Anderson: ALCOA, Florence J. AndersonRead more
Anderson1SmithsonianRow619The Anderson Family Dovy Sheila Shea and Taylor
Angeletti2InnovationsRow113Nucci Zagorac Angeletti: Emma, George, Jr., Hugo
Anker Energy Corporation1Great HallColumnF100Anker Energy Corporation
Anstandig1Great HallRow296Louis Anstandig: Lawyer, Rosalie Anstandig: Teacher
Applegate1Great HallRow1164Deanne & Bill Applegate Married May 14, 2011 Better Together
Apt1Great HallRow2284The Joan and Jerome Apt Families
Arenth1Great HallColumnF59Betty Arenth: Acting Executive Director, June 1997-June 1998
Arenth1Great HallRow2174James J. Arenth
Arenth1Great HallRow2175Mary Sullivan Arenth
Argentine2InnovationsRow228Robert and Philomena Argentine
Armco Inc1Great HallColumnE66Armco, Inc. Specialty Flat-Rolled SteelsRead more
Armstrong1Great HallColumnB52Thorp, Reed and Armstrong: Attorneys at Law since 1895
Arnd1Great HallRow2162Maurice Johns Arnd: Attorney at Law
Arnheim1Great HallRow417Stanley W. Arnheim: Father and Civic LeaderRead more
Arnheim1Great HallRow418Claire Arnheim: Devoted FriendRead more
Aronson1Great HallRow487Dr. Morton L. Aronson: Dedicated Physician
Arter1SmithsonianRow21Carl Arter Harmonic master pianistRead more
Arthur1Great HallRow476John M. Arthur, Ann Martha Arthur
Astorino1Great HallColumnC48Louis and Jean Astorino: With Love, Children Chris and Lou
Atwell1Great HallRow116Eleanor and Bob Atwell
Aurora Reading Club1Great HallColumnH94Aurora Reading Club: Founded, 1891
Austin1Great HallColumnH56James S. Austin, Jr.: Brave, Honest and Caring
Auth2InnovationsRow123Edward L. and Alice N. Auth: Grandparents
Avanti Italia Lodge 81 ISDA1Great HallRow142Avanti Italia Lodge 81 ISDA
Babcock1Great HallRow2149Fred C. Babcock
Bairhalter1Great HallRow2270Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bairhalter
Baker1Great HallColumnD77James Hardie Baker, 1846-1931
Baker1Great HallRow4132Walter J. and Mary B. Baker
Baker1Great HallColumnB6Sandra Baker, Beloved Sister, Esteemed Colleague
Baldus2InnovationsRow153The Baldus Family: Springdale, PARead more
Ball1Great HallRow171Mr. and Mrs. Hiram P. Ball
Balouris2InnovationsRow416Anthony C. Balouris: Father
Banes1SmithsonianRow223Gay D. Banes Attorney Chemist Fraternalist
Bannerot-Lappe Foundation1Great HallColumnD59Bannerot-Lappe Foundation
Baranger1Great HallRow340Martin, Harold, and Anne Baranger
Barazzoni1Great HallRow294Julius Barazzoni, Irma Decubert BarazzoniRead more
Barbush1Great HallRow112In Memory of Thomas and Marie Totin Barbush
Barensfeld1Great HallRow2116Sarah, Mary, Anna Barensfeld
Barensfeld1Great HallRow2118In Memory of Edward D. Barensfeld
Barensfeld1Great HallRow2119In Memory of Robert Eric Barensfeld
Barensfeld1Great HallRow2120Christine L. Barensfeld
Barensfeld1Great HallRow2121David and Wendy Barensfeld
Barensfeld1Great HallRow2122Robert Barensfeld: 70th Birthday,1995: D.E. Barensfeld Family
Barker1Great HallRow2266Robert E. Barker
Barker1Great HallRow2267Joseph Barker: Mayor of Pittsburgh
Barletto1Great HallRow483The Barletto Family
Barrante1Great HallRow415Augie and Lori Barrante: Friends of S.M.E.
Barry1Great HallColumnE64The John K. Barry Family
Barsotti1SmithsonianRow627Ariana Barsotti "Our Darling Queen" Nonna and Nonno
Barsotti1SmithsonianRow629The Barsotti Family Joseph ~ Faustina ~ Nino ~ Linda ~ John ~ Donna
Barsotti-Kocinski1SmithsonianRow626Barsotti-Kocinski legacy Beau ~ Elizabeth ~ Jordan ~ Ariana
Bartholomew1Great HallRow194Tracey Bartholomew II
Bartock1Great HallRow2192Frank and Margaret Bartok: Parents
Bartok1Great HallColumnA30Dr. Fred F. Bartok: CCAC North VP/Executive Dean
Bartoletti1Great HallColumnD130The Bartoletti Family: Leonard, Dorothy, Anna, Lesley, Leonard M. and Alice
Bassett2InnovationsColumnA19Joe Bassett: Dynamic Radio Salesman
Bauer-Frederick1Great HallColumnD122To Mom and Dad: Mary Ida Bauer and Walt Frederick
Bauman1Great HallColumnH16Barbara Bauman: Nurse, John F. Bauman: Historian
Baun1Great HallColumnD134Raymond N. Baun: For Your Commitment to Quality Public Education - PCPE
Beard1Great HallColumnE40Beau and Christine Beard and Family
Beard1Great HallColumnF99Frederick K. Beard Family
Beck1Great HallRow2247Harrison Ryman Beck
Becker1Great HallRow166Frank H. Becker: Jeweler
Becker2InnovationsRow328Mr. and Mrs. Lester F. Becker
Beckerman1Great HallColumnG97Sydney Beckerman, Dorothy Guber Beckerman
Beech1Great HallRow458Robert F. Beech: Father
Beeson1Great HallColumnF67Beeson Family: Founded Uniontown, PA 1776Read more
Begandy1Great HallRow164Thomas S. Begandy: Father, HumanitarianRead more
Beinhauer1Great HallColumnC128Lawrence George Beinhauer, MD, Mildred Larkin BeinhauerRead more
Belfour1Great HallColumnE42Stanton Belfour, Director: The Pittsburgh FoundationRead more
Bell1Great HallRow157The John M. Bell Family
Bell1Great HallRow4102The John M. Bell Family
Benshaw, Inc.1Great HallColumnG166Benshaw, Inc.
Benson1Great HallColumnD37In Memory of Donna Marie (Bober) BensonRead more
Benson1Great HallRow1118George Benson: 1996 Mellon Jazz Festival HonoreeRead more
Berger1Great HallColumnF94Meyer (Mickey) Berger - Dad, ADA Democrat and Founder: Michael Berger Family
Berger1Great HallColumnF95Merle Berger, Mother: Zest For Life, Tastemaker: Michael Berger Family
Berkman1Great HallColumnE92Allen H. Berkman, Selma W. Berkman: Founders, Jewish Archives
Berman1Great HallRow2214Rose and Ed Berman and Family
Bernstein2InnovationsRow254Saul and Eleanor Bernstein: ParentsRead more
Beswick1Great HallRow136Charles and Judith Beswick
Bethel Park Historical Society1Great HallRow2216Bethel Park Historical Society
Biagini1Great HallColumnD29George and Vera Biagini: Belle Vernon
Billups1Great HallColumnC75Theola and James Billups: Parents of M.B. HuntRead more
Binstock1Great HallRow259Abraham Binstock: GrandpaRead more
Birkenfield1Great HallColumnD118In Honor of Diana Birkenfield, My Wonderful Aunt and Godmother: Your Loving Nephew, MitchellRead more
Bissell1Great HallRow2102John Bissell and Family: Iron and IndustryRead more
Bitner1Great HallColumnD36Harry Murray Bitner: FatherRead more
Bitzer1Great HallRow32In Honor of John F. Bitzer: Mentor
Bjorn2InnovationsRow232Fredrik Bjorn: Swedish SteelworkerRead more
Blackmore2InnovationsRow528Lucinda Ann Blackmore Boyer Higbee
Blair1Great HallRow167David Blair and Brothers: Manufacturer of Brick 1867
Blakey1Great HallRow1113Art Blakey: 1999 Mellon Jazz Festival HonoreeRead more
Blaxter1Great HallRow410The Blaxter Family
Bleier1Great HallRow2265Tom, Lisa, Mark BleierRead more
Blenko1Great HallColumnF80Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Blenko, Jr.
Block1Great HallRow4118Maxine and William Block FamilyRead more
Boak1Great HallColumnD25Thomas I.S. Boak, Jr.: With Love, From Children and Grandchildren, 2001
Boehmer1Great HallRow132The David A. Boehmer Family
Bogden1Great HallRow323John and Susan Bogden: Grandparents
Bognar1Great HallRow1187In Honor of Nadne E. Bognar: From the Kutsenkows
Bohlin1Great HallColumnC96Peter and Sally Bohlin
Bold1Great HallColumnD26Walter Bold: HusbandRead more
Bombassaro1Great HallRow2199Joseph and Anna Marie Bombassaro: GrandparentsRead more
Boniker-Crossland1Great HallColumnD124Boniker-Crossland, Our Family: Barb, Rich, Ray BonikerRead more
Bonk1SmithsonianColumnA22Professor Joseph Bonk
Borca1Great HallColumnB55Emily Borca: May all your hopes and dreams come true
Borellis1Great HallRow4150The Families of Mike and Elizabeth Borellis: Oak Hill Elder St.
Boss1Great HallRow47Edward Carlyle Boss: HistorianRead more
Botkin1Great HallRow2195Robert L. Botkin, M.D. Myrtle Filcer Botkin
Bouchard1Great HallRow17Chuck Bouchard: Pittsburgh Proud
Bowman1Great HallColumnB80Dr. John Gabbert Bowman: Chancellor Univ. of Pgh.Read more
Boyce1Great HallColumnB23In Memoriam: A. Warne Boyce, August 26, 1929-May 9, 2002
Boyer1Great HallRow1154Lester L & Stella A Boyer Elizabeth & Lester (Bud) Hudson/Mopar Mech - Boeing
Boyle1Great HallRow442The Boyle Family: W. Larkin and CatherineRead more
Brackmann1Great HallColumnC135The Brackmann Family, The Saalbach FamilyRead more
Bradley2InnovationsRow435Samuel Bradley: Woolen Goods ManufacturingRead more
Braham2InnovationsRow45Selina and Walter Braham: Beloved Parents
Brahm2InnovationsRow323Ernest F. Brahm: Albert L. Brahm Co.
Braksick1SmithsonianColumnA42Matthew and Leslie Braksick and Family
Brancewicz2InnovationsColumnA36Len and Karen Brancewicz: Erin, Michael, Amy
Brand1Great HallRow271Judith and Richard Brand
Brandt1Great HallColumnH74Mr. H. Carl Brandt
Brandy2InnovationsColumnA53Herman L. Brandy: D-Day to V-DayRead more
Braun1Great HallRow41Loving Memory, My Parents: Kathryn and Williard Braun
Breenfleck1Great HallRow2222Robert and Lois Breenfleck: Parents
Brentwood High School1Great HallColumnI11Brentwood High School
Bricker1Great HallColumnD132Dr. Alan K. Bricker: Best Friend
Brillman1Great HallColumnC82Grace and Harry Brillman: Cherished Grandparents
Brillman2InnovationsRow49Laura Margalit Brillman: Radiant Pearl
Brillman2InnovationsRow410Alexander Zevin Brillman: Handsome Prince
Brizzi1Great HallColumnB69Giuseppe and Teresa Brizzi: In Loving Memory, From the ChildrenRead more
Broadhurst1Great HallRow39The Broadhurst Family
Broff2InnovationsRow411Gilbert S. Broff
Brooks1Great HallRow321Ralph P. Brooks, Jr.
Brosky1Great HallRow2191Judge John G. Brosky and FamilyRead more
Broughton2InnovationsColumnA42Robert Broughton: Teacher, Mountaineer
Brourman1Great HallColumnC81Leah and Samuel Brourman: Cherished Grandparents
Brourman1Great HallColumnD43Audrey L. Brourman: History Center Capital Campaign DirectorRead more
Brourman1Great HallRow178Brourman: Ronn, Paul, Jeff: Treasured Sons
Brown1Great HallColumnC56Carl Wood Brown: Father and HistorianRead more
Brown1Great HallColumnD91Clifford E. Brown Family: Honoring Joseph G. Smith, Jr.
Brown1Great HallRow1125Ray Brown: 1989 Mellon Jazz Festival HonoreeRead more
Brown1Great HallRow493Jo. Baily and Helen Blish Brown: Beloved In-Laws
Brown1Great HallRow494Knox Brown III: Beloved Husband, Son and Father
Brown2InnovationsRow326Charles J. Brown: FatherRead more
Brownell1Great HallColumnD63Louise and John Brownell, Nancy and John Brownell, Jr.
Brozenick1Great HallColumnH63John "Jack" Brozenick: Steelmaker
Brozenick1Great HallColumnH64Anna Jumia Brozenick: A "City Girl" at Heart
Bruce Plastics, Inc.1Great HallColumnF98Bruce Plastics, Inc.Read more
Bruhns1Great HallColumnB78E. Maxine Bruhns: Director, Nationality Rooms ProgramRead more
Brusco2InnovationsRow116Ventura Brusco, Maria Soltile BruscoRead more
Bryen2InnovationsRow553The Bryen FamilyRead more
Bucci1Great HallRow435Bucci: Luigi and Almerinda: Antonio, Nicola, and Filomeno
Buchanan1Great HallRow2189Dr. J. J. Buchanan: Pioneer Surgeon of PittsburghRead more
Buchser-Nascone2InnovationsRow452Buchser-Nascone Families
Buckingham2InnovationsRow35George K. Buckingham: Born Cornwall, England
Buckingham2InnovationsRow36Clara Carr Buckingham: Born Lake County, IN
Buckingham2InnovationsRow37Robert C. Buckingham: Father, Chalfant Borough
Buckingham2InnovationsRow38Elmira Freidel Buckingham: Mother, Chalfant Borough
Buckingham2InnovationsRow39Robert L. Buckingham: Son, Attorney
Buckingham2InnovationsRow310Thomas Alan Buckingham: Son, Educator
Buckingham-Harmening2InnovationsRow311Clara Buckingham Harmening: Daughter, Educator
Bueller1Great HallRow1180Ray, Kathy, Lindsay and Kathleen Bueller
Buerkle1Great HallRow2109August Buerkle: Sons, Grandsons and Great Grandsons
Bujdos1Great HallColumnG149John "Boots" Bujdos: Produce ManRead more
Bullick1Great HallColumnG67Steve and Diana Bullick April 14, 2007 Greatest of these is love
Burchfield2InnovationsRow413The Robert D. Burchfield Family
Burda2InnovationsRow424Steve Burda: Educator, FriendRead more
Burgo1Great HallRow4113Ray Burgo: 1997 PAMR Man of the Year
Burke1Great HallRow436Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Burke
Burmeister1McGuinn FoyerRow617In loving memory of Edward C. Burmeister. Inspirational Dad and Loving Grampie
Burnett1SmithsonianRow213Mary Jane Burnett, Mother Delphine G Cooper Mother
Burstein1Great HallColumnE94In Memory of Robert H. Burstein
Butko1Great HallColumnC101Andrew R. Butko Family: West MifflinRead more
Butler2InnovationsRow149Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Butler: This Week In Pittsburgh
CAD Research, Inc.2InnovationsRow133CAD Research, Inc.
Cahouet1Great HallColumnE88Frank and Ann Cahouet: Banker and HomemakerRead more
Callender1SmithsonianRow39Melvin W. Callender PRR YMCA Secretary
Callomon1Great HallColumnD38Verner B. Callomon: Physician, HumanitarianRead more
Callomon1Great HallColumnD39Florence S. Callomon: Civic and Arts VolunteerRead more
Camarda1Great HallRow34Pietro e Lucrezia B. Camarda: Joe, Tom and Charlie
Campana1SmithsonianRow317Campana FamilyRead more
Campbell1Great HallColumnD94Estelle S. Campbell: PhilanthropistRead more
Camus2InnovationsColumnA55Paul and Dolly Camus: Patrick, Susan, Don, Shawn
Cannon1Great HallColumnG86Patrick and Nora Cannon: Eileen Patricia LaverneRead more
Caplan1Great HallColumnB67In Honor of Parents, Dr. Paul and Gertrude Caplan: By Children and Grandchildren
Cardillo1Great HallRow2105Guido and Anna Cardillo: Italian ImmigrantsRead more
Carlisle1Great HallRow462Florence Inghram Carlisle: Violinist-TeacherRead more
Carr1Great HallColumnB42Carr Family: Braddock, PARead more
Carrick Community Council2InnovationsRow449Carrick Community Council
Carroll1Great HallColumnD53Pearl Chew Carroll: MotherRead more
Carroll1Great HallColumnE52Dale E. Carroll: Father
Carroll1Great HallRow414Walter J. and Laura J. Carroll
Carroll1Great HallRow4114John Carroll: For Dedication and Service to the PAMR
Carter1Great HallColumnB83Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. CarterRead more
Caruso2InnovationsRow222Catena Caruso: Dress-Maker
Casey1Great HallRow1177John F. Casey Family, George L. Craig Family and Descendants
Casmer1SmithsonianColumnA45In Loving Memory of Phillip and Mary Casmer
Cassady1Great HallRow2180In Loving Memory of David K. Cassady: The Cassady FamilyRead more
Catanese1Great HallColumnF33In Loving Memory: Charles and Geni CataneseRead more
Caven1Great HallRow2215William Caven: High SheriffRead more
Central Council of Polish Organizations1Great HallRow427Central Council of Polish Organizations of Pittsburgh
Cerlan1Great HallColumnF62William S. Cerlan: Son and Brother
Cerlan2InnovationsRow229William S. Cerlan: SonRead more
Cerlan2InnovationsRow432Bill Cerlan: BrotherRead more
Chamberlain1Great HallColumnB18Luella Pearce Chamberlain: Loved Old Allegheny CityRead more
Chandler1Great HallColumnA43To Honor MHS Members: Clair and Marilyn ChandlerRead more
Chandler1Great HallColumnG175The N.F. Chandler Family
Chemtech1Great HallRow2179Chemtech Consultants, Inc. Est. 1988Read more
Chieffe1SmithsonianRow622Grace & Edward Chieffe Sandra Peggy Gary Debbie Denise Lorry
Christie1Great HallColumnB56Robert D. Christie: Director EmeritusRead more
Churchill1Great HallRow461Edward S. Churchill, Joann M. Churchill
Chute1Great HallRow450The Chute Family: Bob, Suzanne, Rob, Patrick, Hunny
Ciemnolonski1Great HallColumnE54Julian and Catherine Ciemnolonski
Ciloets1Great HallColumnD142The Ciloets: Women of USX, Promoting Professionalism Education and CharityRead more
Cinquegrane1Great HallColumnB28Margaret P. Cinquegrane
Clapp1Great HallColumnE46The Anne L. and George H. Clapp Charitable and Educational Trust
Clarion County Historical Society1Great HallColumnC58Clarion County Historical Society
Clark1Great HallColumnE130The Clark Family: Bedford County, PA
Clark-Vital1Great HallColumnE131Andrew and Dorothy Clark Vital: With Love, Daughter Tina
Clarke1Great HallRow1112Kenny Clarke: 1999 Mellon Jazz Festival HonoreeRead more
Clayton1Great HallColumnH68Mary Clayton, BA, RN
Clayton1Great HallRow1100John C. Clayton, PhD. Fellow Scientist Bettis Atomic Power Lab
Clever1Great HallColumnH93John E. Clever: Obstetrician and GynecologistRead more
CLO1Great HallRow2226Civic Light Opera Honors Its Founding Board
CLO1Great HallRow2227Civic Light Opera Honors Its Guild
Coffing1Great HallColumnC53Cary Allen Coffing: Beloved Son and BrotherRead more
Cohen1Great HallColumnG143Harold V. Cohen: CriticRead more
Cohn1Great HallRow2108Memory: Patricia P. Cohn: Love, Mark
Coholic1Great HallRow473Mary Pavick Coholic: Wife and Mother
Coholic1Great HallRow474Nicholas J. Coholic: Steelworker
Colbert1Great HallColumnG148The Honorable William Howard Colbert
Collins1Great HallRow129William Joseph Collins: Civil Engineer
Colton2InnovationsRow19Theodore and Rose Colton of MorningsideRead more
Colton2InnovationsRow110The Coltons: Jim, Bob, Ruth, Lois, Bert, Leah, GrantRead more
Columbus1Great HallRow2300Columbus 500: 1492 - 1992, Quincentenary Committee
Common Plea1SmithsonianRow625Common Plea Linda Mclane Barb Kocinski John Brush Martin Vecellio
Common Plea1SmithsonianRow628Common Plea Resturaunt "For our Great" employees
Conley2InnovationsColumnA40Loretta Wozniak Conley and Gilbert W. Conley: ParentsRead more
Conner1Great HallColumnF29William and Mary Conner
Conner2InnovationsRow518The Conner Family: In Memory of Mary and J.R., Sr.Read more
Connolly1Great HallColumnE90The Family of J. and Shirley Connolly
Connolly1Great HallRow187Andrew Connolly: Advertising Executive
Connor1Great HallRow299Helen H. Conner: MotherRead more
Conover1Great HallRow2297Marion Kline Conover: MotherRead more
Conrad1Great HallColumnD137Kovach Conrad
Constantino2InnovationsRow11Jack-LoRaine Constantino FamilyRead more
Contact1Great HallRow1165CONTACT Pittburgh Est. 1971 A legacy of listening
Conti1Great HallRow434Evelyn Jones Conti: Wife and MotherRead more
Cooley1Great HallRow472Charles Daniel Cooley: A Worthy Father and Architect
Cooper2InnovationsRow151David J. Cooper: Civil EngineerRead more
Cope1Great HallRow2242Alan and Hazel Cope
Coraopolis1Great HallRow135Gertrude Mary Maxwell: Coraopolis
Corazza1SmithsonianRow29Domenico Corazza: FatherRead more
Corbus1Great HallRow2197Louis C. Corbus, Irene S. Corbus
Core2InnovationsColumnA17Jesse F. Core and Margaret M. CoreRead more
Cornetti1Great HallRow43Ralph and Carolyn Tesauro Cornetti and Son, James
Corry1Great HallColumnD150Diane L. Corry
Corry1Great HallColumnH38H. Robert Johnson: Corry, PA, US Mail Carrier
Corry-Roberts1Great HallColumnD149Neil and Lynn Corry-Roberts
Costa1Great HallRow1117Johnny Costa: 1997 Mellon Jazz Festival HonoreeRead more
Costello1Great HallRow284Mick and Betty Costello: Our Parents and Grandparents
Cowell1Great HallColumnD127Ron Cowell - 24 Year Member, House of Representatives
Craighead1Great HallRow334Ernest S. Craighead: Father
Cramer1Great HallRow2133Frank Frazier Cramer, Jr.: Patriot
Crandall1Great HallColumnI6For Col. Riel + Beatrice Crandall: By Tony, Fern, Anthony, Jen + Liz DoVale
Crawford1Great HallRow2251Samuel Whiteford Crawford
Creighton1Great HallRow159William J. Creighton
Creighton1Great HallRow349John W. R. Creighton: Treasurer
Creighton-Johnson1Great HallRow160Mary Creighton Johnson
Crisanti1Great HallColumnF31G. Frank and Provvidenza A. Crisanti
Crisanti1Great HallColumnF32G. Frank Crisanti: Great-Grandson
Critelli2InnovationsRow556Louis and Mary Critelli: Sharpsburg
Crockett1Great HallColumnB58Henry Crockett: Coalminer, Marianna, PA
Crutchfield1Great HallColumnE121James Stapleton Crutchfield
Curley1Great HallRow456Marguerite and Walter Curley
Curley1Great HallRow457James Mellon Curley
Czarniecki1Great HallColumnF78Sheila Czarniecki, RN: Roz Kachowski, RN: Joyce Wagner
Czyzewski2InnovationsRow520Monica and Caesar Czyzewski: Grandmother/Grandfather
D'Alessio1Great HallRow1181Mario D'Alessio and Mary Meacci D'Alessio
D'Andrea1Great HallRow239Gaetano e Candida D'Andrea: Parents
D'Andrea1Great HallRow337Gino and Nancy D'Andrea: Father and Mother
Dahlinger2InnovationsRow56Marcella and Richard L. Dahlinger
Dalbert2InnovationsRow341The Dalbert Family
Dalfonso1Great HallColumnF81Michael and Anne Dalfonso (nee) Gobleck
Dalzell2InnovationsRow221Clarence J. Dalzell: Mining Engineer
Daniel B. Matthews Historical Society1Great HallColumnC78Daniel B. Matthews Historical Society
Dash1Great HallColumnH21Patricia J. and William L. Dash: Steadfast Hearts
Davis1Great HallColumnB17Harry B. Davis: Auctioneer/Machinist, Jean Langer Davis: Balabusta: Donora Survivor
Davis1Great HallColumnD144John and Mary Davis: Our Parents and Grandparents
Davis1Great HallColumnD145John Phillips Davis, Jean Miller Davis
Davis1Great HallRow141Lew Davis: Husband, Mayor of Tuscon Arizona, 1961- 1967
Davis1Great HallRow1126Nathan Davis: 1988 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Davis1Great HallRow276Aaron M. and Arlene J. Davis: Bradley, Laura, Brian and Barry
Davis1Great HallRow4129Verne Wilson Davis and Margaret Clark Davis
Davis2InnovationsRow446Gerald Davis Family: Mine Inspector
Davis2InnovationsRow531Thomas P. Davis: A Great Family Man and Friend
Davis & Maxwell2InnovationsRow29Edwin Miller Davis, Alice Perkins Maxwell
Davis & Pfordt2InnovationsRow27Alan Maxwell Davis, Carol Louise Pfordt
Davison1Great HallRow18Edward K. Davison: Davison Sand and Gravel
Dawson2InnovationsColumnA38Thomas D. Dawson: Artist and Steelworker
DeJulio1Great HallColumnC44Patricia Ann DeJulio: Wife, Mother, Teacher
DeMarco1Great HallRow2259Michael Angelo DeMarco: Technical Writer, Teacher
DeMarco1Great HallRow2261Angelo & Pasqualina DeMarco RR Stone Mason & Homemaker
Demmler2InnovationsRow244John Henry Demmler: Progenitor
Denny1Great HallRow463The James O'Hara Denny III Family
Denslinger1Great HallRow2200Christian Denslinger Family: Immigrant Ancestors
DeOrio1Great HallRow243Robert C. and Marilyn J. DeOrio: Rob and Dorene, Lori and Chuch
DePellegrin1Great HallColumnH22Marino DePellegrin and Antoinette Frescura DePellegrin
DePellegrin1Great HallColumnH28Richard Allen Williams and Nancy Lee DePellegrin Williams
DePellegrini1Great HallColumnB29John E. DePellegrini: Bricklayer, 19511996
Dept of History: Duquesne University1Great HallColumnG141Department of History: Duquesne University
DeSimone1Great HallRow2302In Loving Memory: Sam DeSimone and Josephine "Germinara" DeSimone
DeStefano2InnovationsRow233Ralph T. DeStefano, Esq.: President, CEO, Passavant Hospital
Deul1Great HallColumnG165Muriel and Maurice Deul: Honoring Liz and Ethan Gould
Deutsch1Great HallRow49The Deutsch Family
Dewar2InnovationsRow552John B. Dewar
DiCesare2InnovationsRow444Domenico DiCesare: Father
DiCicco1Great HallColumnE79Italio DiCicco, basso and Elsa DeChellis DiCicco, cookbook author
Dick1Great HallColumnH19Perry James Dick
Dickerson1Great HallColumnB24Ann and Logan Dickerson
Dickey2InnovationsRow246The Robert Dickey III Family
Dickson1Great HallRow138Dickson: Steelworker, Yoho: Farmer
DiLisio2InnovationsRow141Angelo and Alba DiLisio: Surveyer, Domestic Engineer
Dillman1Great HallRow2219Alvin Edward Dillman: Clerk of Courts
DiLucente1Great HallRow2287Filiberto DiLucente, Dora DiLucente
DiMaria1Great HallRow2184John DiMaria (1922-1987): My Father
Dimperio1Great HallRow437Peter P. and Adeline V. Dimperio: Pittsburgh School Teachers
DiNardo1Great HallColumnB61Umberto DiNardo: Beloved husband and father
DiNardo2InnovationsRow430Romeo and Bernice DiNardo: General Contractor/Homemaker
Dinman2InnovationsRow327The Dinman Family
DiRocco & Szarnicki1Great HallRow2256The DiRocco and Szarnicki Families
DiSilvio1Great HallColumnC42The Decade, The Home of Rock 'n Roll: Dominic N. DiSilvio
DiTollo2InnovationsColumnA23John W. DiTollo: BR 84 Letter Carriers Union
DiVito1Great HallColumnB50Olimpio Valentino DiVito: Steelworker
Doak1Great HallRow285Frank Fulton Doak: Pittsburgher
Dobkin1Great HallRow2176Isaac Dobkin, Anna Dobkin
Dobkin1Great HallRow2177Todd Dobkin
Doerr Truck Equipment1Great HallRow264Frank Doerr Truck Equipment: Truck Bodies and Equipment
Doerschner1Great HallColumnB22Francis E. Doerschner, Louise Gralka Doerschner: 50th Anniversary
Dolfi2InnovationsRow455Narcisco and Angela Dolfi: Loving Parents
Domike2InnovationsRow34Steffi Domike
Donnelly1Great HallRow2202E.J., Lu, Ned and Helen Donnelly
Doorley2InnovationsColumnA14William Tormay Doorley: 2nd Air Commando, GP WWII
Drach1Great HallColumnB30James A. Drach: Clerk of Court
Drobish1Great HallColumnG88Adie's Mkt 3609 Butler St: Adie and Helen Drobish
Ducanis1Great HallColumnB51Alex J. Ducanis: Professor
Dudt1Great HallRow478Robert T. Dudt: Baker Owner - Bloomfield
Duerr2InnovationsRow216Wayne H. Duerr and Family: Biological Scientist
Dugan2InnovationsColumnA56Anne and Luke Dugan
Dukovic1Great HallColumnB38The Dukovic Family: Jeff, Wendy, Tanya, Jeffrey
DuMars2InnovationsRow332The DuMars Family
Dunbar1Great HallColumnD141Ruth McKibbin Dunbar: Daughter of Harriet and James, Treas. of P&LE Railroad
Duncan1Great HallColumnC80George Duncan and Sons: Glass Manufacturers, Pittsburgh
Duncan1Great HallRow2208Annie Sweitzer Duncan: Daughter, Wife, Mother
Dunn1Great HallRow2279Anne M. and Thomas J. Dunn: Mother and Father
Duranyk2InnovationsRow512Maftej and Teodozia Duranyk (Duranko Family)
Dvorsky1Great HallColumnC131For Our Special Uncle and Aunt, Frank and Regina Dvorsky: The Family of Joe and El Dvorsky
Dziegielewski1Great HallRow263Stephen and Janice D. Dziegielewski Family
Dzombak1Great HallRow2248Dzombak Family
Eckert1Great HallRow2278Donald and Constance Eckert: With Love, Kelly
Eckstine1Great HallRow1121Billy Eckstine: 1993 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Effort2InnovationsRow419Edmund D. Effort, DDS: Dentist
Effort2InnovationsRow420Elaine Leaphert Effort: Journalist
Egan1Great HallColumnE134John Paul Egan: Jurist/Educator/Father
Egan1Great HallColumnE135Luceille Murray Egan: Mother/Caregiver
Egan & Edkins & Toner2InnovationsRow231Egan and Edkins Families and John Toner: Civil War Soldier
Eichenmuller2InnovationsRow213Raymond C. Eichenmuller: Father
Eichner1Great HallColumnB82Earl and Dorothy Eichner Family
Eldridge1Great HallRow1111Roy Eldridge: 1999 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Elias Industries, Inc.1Great HallRow123Elias Industries, Inc.
Elkind2InnovationsRow338Louis and Anna Elkind
Ellena2InnovationsRow18Thomas F. Ellena: Father-Barber
Ellis School2InnovationsRow127The Ellis School: Founded 1916
Ellwood City1Great HallRow2115Ellwood City: Birthplace of the Seamless Tube Industry,1895, ECAHS
Engel1SmithsonianRow618Erin Emily Engel
Engelman1Great HallColumnG142Theodore H. Engelman: Husband
English2InnovationsRow418Alexander English: Son of Samuel and Elizabeth
Ermeta1Great HallColumnD138Diana Bruscemi Ermeta: Bookkeeper, City Banana Co.
Erwin1Great HallRow176Marilyn M. Erwin Family: Heather and Sarah, daughters
Esswein1Great HallRow480Joan Mary Muth Esswein
Esswein1Great HallRow481Edward J. Esswein, Jr.: Chemist
Estep1Great HallRow247Dr. Russell G. and Roberta L. Estep
Etzel1Great HallColumnG77Frederick William Etzel, Catherine Quinn Etzel
Euwer1Great HallRow2286James Boyd Euwer: Old Allegheny
Evans1Great HallRow2117In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Evans
Evans1Great HallRow2233Michael Evans: Steelworker, Homestead, 1914-1973
Evans1Great HallRow36Frank A. Evans, MD: Physician
Evashavik1Great HallColumnG179Girard and Carol Evashavik
Everett1Great HallColumnE25Alice Miller Everett: Mother and Family Historian
Executive Women International2InnovationsRow433Pittsburgh Chapter: Executive Women International
Eyer1Great HallRow344Michele I. Eyer: Mining Engineer
Eyer1Great HallRow345David D. Eyer, P.E.: Mining Engineer
Faccenda1Great HallRow4111Joe Faccenda: 1996 PAMR Man of the Year
Fagan2InnovationsColumnA46James F. Fagan: World War II 988th Signal Co. CB I
Fair1Great HallRow2135Family of Clifford L. Fair: Proud of Pittsburgh
Fairbrother1Great HallRow336Ryan and Kelly Fairbrother
Falk1Great HallRow2124Laura Falk
Falk1Great HallRow2125Marjorie L. Falk
Falk1Great HallRow2126Leon Falk, Jr.
Falk1Great HallRow2127Leon Falk
Falk1Great HallRow2128Maurice Falk
Falk1Great HallRow2164Julian and Tibey Falk and Family
Fallon1Great HallColumnI5John James "Jack" Fallon. Dorothy Popovich Fallon. Lifelong Pittsburghers
Fallon2InnovationsColumnA25George P. Fallon, Sr.: Singer, Soldier, Steelworker
Fallon & Macligan1SmithsonianRow321Fallon and Macligan Families
Falvo1Great HallRow2235Ernest A. Falvo MD, Armida Falvo
Farey1Great HallColumnD125Emma B. Farey: Loving Mother
Farina2InnovationsColumnA52Paul A. Farina: WWII Bombadier, Navigator
Farina2InnovationsRow46The Farina Family: Mario, Chelo and Maurizio
Farmer1Great HallRow4133The Family of Drs. Gwendolyn and Francis Farmer
Farmerie1Great HallRow497Robert H. Farmerie: Pap Pap
Farrington1Great HallRow1199Peter M. Farrington Husband, Dad, Grandpa, Best Friend
Faulk1Great HallRow464John and Susan Faulk: Parents
Feeney1Great HallColumnB47William P. Feeney: Fearless Mineworkers Organizer
Feidt2InnovationsColumnA24Frederick J. Feidt: Father
Feldman2InnovationsColumnA11Jacob Feldman, Author: Jewish Experience in Western Pennsylvania
Feldman1Great HallRow295Herman and Eva Feldman of J. Feldman Dental Supply
Ferrer1Great HallColumnC77Ignacio Jimenez Ferrer: Born in Pittsburgh
Ferris1Great HallRow279Rebecca Ferris: 5th Avenue Market Huckster
Ferry Electric1Great HallRow2138Ferry Electric Company: Electrical Contractors
Fetchko1Great HallColumnH61Dr. and Mrs. A.M Fetchko: Beloved Parents
Fetterolf1SmithsonianRow25Frances Fetterolf Passionate Volunteer for the Underprivilaged
Figas-Filipski1Great HallColumnH24Figas-Filipski Family
Finer1Great HallColumnC93In Loving Memory of Edwin and Janet Finer
Fischer1Great HallColumnF48Richard L. Fischer
Fischer1Great HallColumnF49Virginia M. Fischer
Fischer1Great HallColumnF52Richard F. Fischer
Fischer1Great HallColumnF55Greg L. Fischer
Fisfis1Great HallRow287Nicholas P. Fisfis: Monnessen, PA
Fisher1Great HallColumnH70Don L. Fisher, MD: Pioneer in Cardiology
Fisher1Great HallRow329The Fishers: Bradley, Kimberley Rieck, Reid, Caroline and Meggie
Fisher-Langer1Great HallColumnH34In Memory of the Fisher and Langer Families
Fishman1Great HallRow48From the Fishman Family: Libby, Alan, Beth, and Charles
Flach1Great HallRow4119Lawrence O. Flach, Lawrence L. Flach: Husband and Son
Flaherty1Great HallColumnD44Alberta C. "Bird" Flaherty, James G. "Bud" Flaherty: Parents of 9 Daughters
Fleetwood1Great HallColumnH18Robert W. Fleetwood Family
Fleishman1Great HallRow339Robert J. Fleishman, Muriel Lowry Fleishman
Flood1Great HallRow224In honor of Suzanne Flood’s commitment to education
Floyd1Great HallColumnE57S.B. Floyd and Son: Hay, Grain and Feed, 1859-1966
Foerster1Great HallRow2169I Edward and Eleanor H. Foerster
Foote1Great HallRow488Edward B. Foote: Patent and Trademark Lawyer, Beatrice Novak Foote: Wife
Forbes2InnovationsColumnA27George and Margaret Forbes: Great Great Grandparents
Ford1Great HallColumnE101John L. Ford: Director of School Programs
Fortescue1Great HallColumnG92The Fortescue Family
Foster1Great HallRow2110William Watt Foster: He Loved the Great Outdoors, From Edward and Elizabeth Schoyer
Fowler2InnovationsRow51Henry A. "Mark" Fowler, 1950-1973
Fownes1Great HallColumnD140Fownes Family: Henry, Bill, Henry, John, John, Henry and Ben
Fox1Great HallColumnG75John and Ann Fox: Beloved Parents and Grandparents
Fox1Great HallRow2234Skylar Fox: Great Grandson of Philip Ellovich
Fox2InnovationsRow245Kelsey Fox: Great Granddaughter of Miriam Ekovich
Franco-Icardi2InnovationsRow41Fanto-Icardi Families
Frantz1Great HallColumnC91Robert L. Frantz: Major General Attorney, 1925-1933
Fraternal Societies of Greater Pittsburgh1SmithsonianRow341Fraternal Societies of Greater Pittsburgh
Freidel2InnovationsRow315Katherine Fischer Freidel: Born Dorseyville, PA
Frew & Altman1Great HallRow346Mary Gertrude Frew and Chauncy Fulton Altman
Fricioni2InnovationsRow544Margaret and Felix Fricioni: Caring Parents
Friedel2InnovationsRow316Leonard Freidel: Machinist, E. Pittsburgh
Friedel2InnovationsRow317George Freidel Family: Allegheny City
Friedman1Great HallColumnH25The Friedman Family: Trust-Franklin Press Company
Frielander1Great HallRow1201Mary Alexandra Gibson Masich Frielander Carnegie Tech 1948
Fries1Great HallRow2129Erica Leigh Fries: Daughter
Fruit and Flower Mission1Great HallColumnE36Fruit and Flower Mission: Home Health Assistance Since the Civil War
Fryer2InnovationsRow448Arthur M. Fryer: Father
Fulton1Great HallRow498In Memory of Joan Lucien Fulton, 1996
Gabriel2InnovationsRow154Dr. and Mrs. Peter Gabriel: Uniontown
Gage1Great HallRow451The Gage Company: Serving Industry Since 1892
Gallagher1Great HallRow468Richard W. Gallagher, Isabel Viggiano Gallagher: I'll be loving you always
Galletta1Great HallColumnC73John Galletta: Italian by birth, American by choice
Gallick & Flinn1Great HallRow413Gallick and Flinn Families: Our Donora Roots
Gamble1Great HallRow42In Honor of Jaye Stewart Gamble, Sr.: Mary Huston Gamble
Garfunkel2InnovationsColumnA45The Garfunkel Family
Garlitz1Great HallColumnG161With Love and Appreciation to Paul and Dorothy Garlitz
Garner1Great HallRow1110Erroll Garner: 1999 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Garrison Hughes Advertising1Great HallColumnE56Garrison Hughes Advertising
Garvey1Great HallRow273Rev. James W. Garvey: Born September 9, 1938
Garvin1Great HallRow261Ray and Martha Garvin: Carpenter, Homemaker
Gawlowski1Great HallColumnH14The Gawlowski Family: Robert, Lois, Jason, Gaylen
Gedeon1Great HallColumnB26Charles C. Gedeon "Pidge": Your Appreciative Family
Gedeon1Great HallColumnD135Albert and Kathy Gedeon: Great Parents
Gelston1Great HallColumnA20Danielle Tara Gelston: Nedved Grandchild
Gelston2InnovationsColumnA10Aidan Joseph Gelston: Nedved Grandchild
Gemmill1Great HallColumnD61Families of Drs. J.M., J.R., W.D., W.P Gemmill: Gemmill Hospital, Monessen
Gemtroms1Great HallColumnH66The Gemtroms: Langley High School Friends Forever
General Press Corporation1Great HallColumnH43General Press Corporation
Genes2InnovationsColumnA31Elva's Beauty Shop: Elva M. Genes
Genes2InnovationsColumnA32W.A. Genes Company: Custom Kitchens
Genstein1Great HallColumnB86In Honor of Pittsburghers, Dorothy and Joseph Genstein
George1Great HallColumnB59Geary Lloyd George: Tenor
George1Great HallColumnH82Austin L., Mary McC. George: Attorney, Pittsburgh, DAR
George Mooney Jendoco Construction1Great HallColumnI12George Mooney Jendoco Construction
Gerasole1Great HallColumnI8Gerasole Family
Giel1Great HallRow479James and Suan Berry Giel: Parents/Mentors
Gilbert2InnovationsColumnA9Leo Gilbert: Father, Teacher, Salesman
Giles2InnovationsRow334David Barracliffe Giles: Brother, Educator
Gillespie1Great HallRow431The Family of Thomas J. Gillespie
Gitnik1Great HallColumnD22In Loving Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Gitnik: By Peter and Paul J. Gitnik
Glasser1Great HallRow439Morry Glasser: Morry's 5&10 - Beechview
Glasser1Great HallRow440Tiby Glasser: Morry's 5&10 - Beechview
Glenn1Great HallColumnD139Mike and Cordy Glenn
Glenshaw2InnovationsRow329The Shaws of Glenshaw
Gloekler1Great HallRow2157Bernard Gloekler
Gloninger1SmithsonianRow333J. Ledlie and Margaret F. Gloninger
Goern1Great HallRow1185Goern Grandchildren: Penn, Nathaniel, Cole, Gabrielle and Clay
Goldby1Great HallRow268Dorothy Goldby: Sister
Goldman1Great HallColumnE24Stanley H. Goldman: Printer
Goldman2InnovationsRow152Barbara Broff Goldman
Goldsmith1Great HallRow2161Mildred and Malcolm Goldsmith: By Lillian and Ken
Golomb1Great HallRow2299Sarah and Louis Golomb: Parents and Grandparents
Golomb2InnovationsRow147Norman G. Golomb, MD: Physician
Gonnerman1Great HallColumnA19Becht Diehl Gonnerman Siedle Schade Albietz
Good1Great HallColumnC85Good's Gas and Oil, Export, PA: Paul and Stella Good
Goodman1Great HallColumnD128Paul S. Goodman: Professor, Carnegie Mellon
Gordon1Great HallRow155Robert M. Gordon
Gordon1Great HallRow156Mary Pascoe Gordon
Goslin-Hunter1Great HallColumnG168The Goslin-Hunter Family
Gosse2InnovationsRow155Tony and Helene Gosse
Graffam1Great HallRow246Stephen W. and Carolyn E. Graffam
Graffam1Great HallRow251Carolyn E. Graffam
Graffam1Great HallRow252R. Warren and Grace B. Graffam: Parents
Graffam2InnovationsRow243David A. and Helen J. Graffam
Graffam2InnovationsRow247Stephen W. Graffam, Esq.: Community Leader, Friend
Graffam2InnovationsRow427For My Mother, Carolyn E. Graffam: Love, David
Graffam2InnovationsRow428Stephen W. Graffam, Pres: Love Your Son, David
Graham1Great HallRow118Thomas Graham and Jemima Allen Graham
Graner & Hallett1Great HallColumnH89Robert and Ada Graner, Homer and Melinda Hallett: Our Grandparents
Granieri1Great HallRow2252Rose Pullano Granieri: Mother: Lorraine, Sam, Ev, Rosanne
Greater Pittsburgh Convention1Great HallColumnG144Greater Pittsburgh Convention and Visitors Bureau Educational Foundation, Inc.
Greb1Great HallColumnF69Donald and Linda Greb for Greb and Robson Families
Greco1Great HallColumnD57Dr. Joseph V. Greco: Professor and Poet, University of Pittsburgh
Green1Great HallColumnD89Parents and Grandparents of Nancy Cook Green and David C. Green
Gregory1Great HallRow149Dick H. and Helen S. Gregory
Greiner1Great HallRow236Robert P. and Helen M. Greiner
Greulich1Great HallRow35Gerald Gregory Greulich: Inventor
Griswold1Great HallRow499Charles Lanier Griswold
Groninger1Great HallColumnC126John A. Groninger, Karla G. Groninger
Grun1Great HallRow2283Joseph and Brigetta Grun: Herrlisheim, Elsass 1846
Grzybek1Great HallRow4151Dolores A. Tokarski Grzybek
Grzybek1Great HallRow4152Zdzislaw W. "Jerry" Grzybek
Gussey2InnovationsRow47Gussey Family
Guzik1Great HallColumnH48Florence Bogucki Guzik
Guzik1Great HallColumnH49Louis Casimer Guzik
Haabestad1Great HallRow469Marie and Erling Haabestad: 45th Anniversary
Hachmeister1Great HallRow2141Harry A. Hachmeister: Pittsburgh Industrialist
Hadburg1Great HallRow2211Paige Elizabeth Kassalen: Hope for the future
Hadburg1Great HallRow2212Ruth Hadburg: Teacher
Hadburg1Great HallRow2213Marvin Hadburg: Merchant/Accountant
Hafner1Great HallColumnE48Simon & Florence Hafner Charitable Foundation
Hafner1SmithsonianRow249Simon & Florence Hafner Charitable Foundation
Hagelin1SmithsonianRow31Signe Bergstrom Hagelin our Sweedish - American hero
Hagerman1Great HallRow2112John and Chris Hagerman
Hagerman1Great HallRow2123Janice and Phoebe Hagerman
Hajnik2InnovationsRow513Macko and Hajnik (Heinick) Families
Hall1Great HallColumnE132Martha Beck Hall
Hall1Great HallRow2170Van Beck Hall: Friend of the HSWP
Hall1Great HallRow2205The Hall Family
Hallett1Great HallColumnD123Robert Hallett: Goldsmith
Halpern1Great HallColumnH33In Memory of Julius and Lillian Halpern
Hammer1Great HallRow184Rebecca Keister Hammer
Hammer1Great HallRow2224Albert C. Hammer: 50 Years of Service at H.J. Heinz
Hammer1Great HallRow2253Carl and Jona Hammer
Hampton High School2InnovationsRow425Hampton High School: Blue Ribbon, 1996
Harbaugh1Great HallColumnC127Gregory A. and Gail G. Harbaugh: Matthew G. Harbaugh, Elizabeth K. Harbaugh
Hardie1Great HallColumnC132John L. Hardie Family
Hardy1Great HallColumnC95Joseph A. Hardy III: Father
Hardy1Great HallColumnF21The George Hardy Family
Haretos1Great HallRow4149Theodore J. Haretos: Restauranteur
Harmon1Great HallRow4137Ferl Harmon: Builder
Harris1Great HallColumnF46Emanuel Ackerman, Esther Harris Ackerman: PittsburghersRead more
Harris1Great HallRow146John H. Harris: Ice Capades
Harris1Great HallRow1119Joe Harris: 1995 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Harshman1Great HallColumnE31Annemarie & Robert J. Harshman Monika & Bob Chris Scott
Hart1Great HallColumnD48Pittsburgh: People with a great history and a great future - Senator Melissa Hart
Hartland1Great HallColumnC94Chappie Hartland: Grandfather
Hartman & Kralosky1Great HallRow342Andrew R. Hartman and Lina M. Kralosky Families
Hartshorn1Great HallRow242Howard J. Hartshorn, Jr. "Peace"
Haas1Great HallColumnD136Elizabeth Jane Haas "Betty": Braddock, PA
Haupin1Great HallColumnD147Warren E. Haupin: ALCOA Scientist
Hayes1Great HallRow2114Shannon Leigh Hayes: Sweetheart
Hayes2InnovationsRow48Barbara A. Hays: Beloved Wife and History Maven
Hayes1SmithsonianRow221Dr. & Mrs J Dutney Hayes & Family
Hazel/Rooney2InnovationsRow415Hazel/Rooney Families
Heard1SmithsonianRow241Remembering Charlie Heard from "your girls" Junior league of Pittsburgh
Heckel1Great HallColumnH31William Clifford Heckel, Jean Robinson Heckel
Heckel1Great HallRow4134William Henry Heckel: My Cousin and Best Friend
Hedenburg1Great HallRow272Oscar F. Hedenburg: Chemist, Invented Piperonyl Butoxide
Heiner2InnovationsColumnA13William Graham Heiner, Jr.: "Mr. Fixit"
Heinz1SmithsonianRow233Fredrick Charles Heinz 1842-1921
Helbling1Great HallColumnH26Lois and Mathilda and Joseph Helbling
Henghan-Thomas1Great HallColumnH17Henghan-Thomas Families: Made a Good Life Here
Henle1Great HallColumnB44Frank and Sophia (Dubrawska) Henle: Loving Parents
Henle1Great HallColumnB45Feliz and Theresia (Eger) Henle: German Immigrants
Heppenstall1Great HallColumnB34Heppenstall Family
Herbst1Great HallColumnG85In Honor of John Herbst: From Arina and Stu
Herbst1Great HallRow1129John A. Herbst: 1st Director History Center
Herbst1Great HallRow253Louise Reif Herbst: Grandmother
Herbst1Great HallRow254John E. Herbst: Craftsman
Herbst1Great HallRow255John S. Herbst: Grandfather
Herbst1Great HallRow257In Honor of John Herbst: From Arina and Stu
Herbst1Great HallRow2132John Leonard Herbst: Son
Herchenroether1Great HallRow181Adam Herchenroether: Master Butcher
Herrington1Great HallRow137G. Kirby Herrington, Sara F. Herrington
Hetherington2InnovationsRow522The A. F. Hetherington Family
Hicks1Great HallColumnB33James C. Hicks
Higgins1Great HallColumnD106Harry B. Higgins: Able Corporate Leader
Hilb Rogal and Hamilton1Great HallRow134Hilb Rogal and Hamilton Company of Pittsburgh
Hile2InnovationsColumnA28Edward T. Hile, Martha B. Hile
Hill1Great HallColumnC72David Garrett Hill: Industrialist
Hill1Great HallRow2198Mary Eva Templeton Hill: Grandmother, 1862-1950
Hillegas1Great HallRow411The Hillegas Family
Hilliard2InnovationsColumnA4Tim and Kathy Hilliard: Colin Gen
Hilliard2InnovationsColumnA7Jamie and Christine Hilliard
Hilliard2InnovationsColumnA8Connie Hilliard
Hillman1Great HallColumnC57James Frazer Hillman, Marguerite Wright Hillman
Hillman1Great HallRow485In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. James Frazer Hillman
Himmelstein1Great HallRow1155Joe & Harriet Himmelstein Joseph D & Stacy L US Army – Himmelstein Dairy
Hines1Great HallRow1109Earl Hines: 1999 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Hockenberry1Great HallColumnC55John Hockenberry: Butler County Pioneer
Hodge1Great HallColumnD85In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hodge, Jr.
Hoffman1Great HallColumnH78Robert T. Hoffman, 1906-1990
Hogenmiller1Great HallRow2254Jerry and Virginia Hogenmiller: In Honor of My Parents
Holl1Great HallRow312Peg and Rich Holl and Family
Holland2InnovationsRow431Mrs. Robert C. Holland
Hollinshead1Great HallColumnG146Marilyn and Warren Hollinshead
Holmberg1Great HallRow2206Georgia McKee Holmberg, Ph.D.: College Lecturer
Holmberg1Great HallRow2207James C. Holmberg Ph.D. College Administrator
Holmes1Great HallColumnD28Neal Holmes: Founder Allied Security, Inc.
Holsinger2InnovationsRow421Leonard and Frances Holsinger: Parents
Holtz1Great HallColumnF79Dr. Edgar J. Holtz: Allegheny Intermediate Unit
Hood1Great HallColumnC74Robert Hood, 1849-1925: Farmer and Civic Leader
Hoopes1Great HallColumnD65Katherine M. Hoopes: Carnegie Hero Medal, July 1931
Hoopes1Great HallColumnD66The Hoopes Family: Western Pennsylvania 1801
Hopper1Great HallColumnI9Robert E. Hopper: US Navy WWII, Engineer B&O RR
Horvath1Great HallColumnG169The Horvath Family: Joe, Janet, JoJo and Cooney
Hough1Great HallColumnC87Jessica and Bill Hough: Beloved Daughter and Son
Houston1Great HallRow486Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chalmers Houston
Houston1Great HallRow4135William McC. and Carolyn B. Houston
Hredzak2InnovationsRow536John R. and Marie K. Hredzak: Parents
Hrivnak2InnovationsRow453Richard, Pamela and Sarah Hrivnak
Huemme1Great HallRow150Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Huemme
Hughes2InnovationsRow148George H. Hughes: Teacher
Hulme1Great HallRow4128Milton George Hulme, Jr.
Humes2InnovationsColumnA5Elsie and Billy Humes: TJ, Liza, Frazer, Elsie
Humphrey1Great HallColumnD103M/MG. Watts Humphrey, Jr.: Susan, Victoria and Watts
Humphrey1Great HallRow4103Arthur L. Humphrey
Humphrey1Great HallRow4104Arthur F. Humphrey
Humphrey1Great HallRow4105Arthur F. Humphrey, Jr.
Humphrey1Great HallRow4106Arthur F. Humphrey, III
Humphries1Great HallRow1114Roger Humphries: 1998 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Hunt1Great HallColumnF34Alfred Ephraim Hunt: ALCOA Founder, A Captain in Industry, Pioneer
Hunt1Great HallColumnF35Roy Arthur Hunt: ALCOA President, Mentor, and Philantropist
Hunt1Great HallColumnF36Rachel McM. Miller Hunt: Botanist and Author, Bibliophile
Hunt1Great HallColumnF37Alfred Mortimer Hunt: ALCOA Executive, Benevolist and Equestrian
Hunt1Great HallColumnF38Roy Arthur Hunt, Jr.: Mellon Bank Executive, Vestryman
Hunt1Great HallColumnF39Torrence Miller Hunt: ALCOA Executive, Benefactor, and Wildlife Conserve
Hunt1Great HallColumnF40Richard McMasters Hunt: Harvard Educator, Administrator and Historian
Hunt1Great HallColumnF41Torrence Miller Hunt, Jr.: Executive, Humanitarian
Hunt1Great HallColumnF42William Edwards Hunt: Entrepreneur and Arts Advocate
Huntley2InnovationsRow44Donald Huntley, Sr. and Jr.: Federal Mine Inspectors
Hurlbert1Great HallColumnG78Gordon C. Hurlbert, Patricia S. Hurlbert
Husack1Great HallColumnG94Martha Lucille Coll Husack: Registered Nurse
Iacone-Abbott1Great HallColumnH36The Iacone-Abbott Family
Igercich2InnovationsRow146Frank and Tereza Igercich: Parents
IKEA1Great HallRow2167IKEA: Home Furnishings
Inouye1Great HallRow2183Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Inouye: Love Kristi and Will
Irvin1Great HallRow2168Ruth Taylor Irvin, Col. Richard Irvin, Jr.
Itkin1Great HallRow260The Itkin Family
Jackson1Great HallColumnE84William H. Jackson: Pitt-Des Moines, Inc. Founder, 1892
Jackson1Great HallRow2173George and Charles Jackson: Toolmakers
Jackson1Great HallRow314Bohlin Cywinski Jackson: History Center Architects
Jacob1Great HallColumnH45Gottfried and Rosa Jacob: Swiss Immigrants
Jamal1Great HallRow1120Ahmad Jamal: 1994 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Jarmell1Great HallColumnI10To My Husband, Sol Jarmell: On Our 50th Anniversary, 6/15/2007, Love Ethel
Jesse1Great HallColumnA37Adolph Arthur Jesse: Brother
Jew2InnovationsRow521Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Jew, Jr.
Jockel1Great HallColumnD119Greg and Jacqi Jockel: Thank You for Twenty Years, Your Salon Staff
John & Jones1Great HallColumnH85Daniel Carter John, Edna Fern Jones
Johns1Great HallRow4107brad johns
Johnson1Great HallRow158S. Harris Johnson III MD
Johnston1Great HallColumnD30Thelma Johnston: School Psychologist, Youngstown, Ohio
Jon2InnovationsRow33Pitt's Traveling Jon
Jones1Great HallColumnF75The Curtis Jones Family
Jones1Great HallRow2225Edward L. Jones: William Penn Trust Company
Jones1Great HallRow2272Rev. and Mrs. William A. Jones: Grandparents
Jones1Great HallRow351Harry F. and Naomi G. Jones: Love and Honored Parents
Jordanoff1Great HallColumnB49Zlate and Diana Jordanoff: Bulgarian Immigrants
Kairys1Great HallColumnC60Leo R. Kairys, MD, Augusta Hogan Kairys: Outstanding Parents
Kaiser1Great HallColumnD87William and Estella Kaiser and Their 12 children
Kalinowski1Great HallRow322Kalinowski Family: Anthoney and Stella
Kalson1Great HallColumnB53Hinde and Harry Kalson: Kalson's Bath House
Kaluponov1Great HallRow2295Agrippina and Ermolai Kaluponov: Our Grandparents
Kampmeinert1Great HallRow484The Kampmeinert Family
Kane1Great HallRow286Leonard P. Kane, Jr.: 83rd Infantry, Europe
Kaplan1Great HallColumnE34Andrew David Kaplan, Samuel Eli Kaplan: Loved by Lori and Gary
Kaplan1Great HallRow230Peter, Leslie, Katie and Jeffrey Kaplan
Karl1Great HallColumnH39Robert and Marion Karl: Volunteers
Kaschauer1Great HallRow330Ernest and Virginia Kaschauer: DAD Tinsmith, MOM Gardener
Kaschauer1Great HallRow331Diane Kaschauer: Registered Nurse
Kassalen1Great HallRow2210Martin and Beth Kassalen: Electrical/Mtg. Coord.
Katzenmeyer2InnovationsRow230John Katzenmeyer Family: Riverman
Kaufman1Great HallRow165Charles and Rosa W. Kaufman: Arrived Clarion PA 1850's
Kawalich2InnovationsRow242Michael and Janet Kawalich
Kearns1Great HallRow2107John F. Kearns, Pauline F. Kearns: Happy 60th Anniversary
Kelly1Great HallColumnE44Eric Kelly Pittsburgh Police Officer Fallen Hero
Kelly2InnovationsRow322Regina G. Kelly and Family: Squirrell Hill
Kelly School House1Great HallColumnA50Kelly School House: Butler County
Kelsey1Great HallRow2263Frank W. Kelsey: Family Safety Mgr., Aliquippa Works
Kelson1Great HallColumnB39For Ellen Kelson, From Lincoln Maazel
Kelson1Great HallColumnF68Betty and Kushie Kelson and Family
Kenna1Great HallColumnH65Mary Kenna, Maid: Ireland to Pittsburgh 1845
Kennedy1Great HallRow240John J. Kennedy: Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Pittsburgh
Kennedy1Great HallRow460William Harlin Kennedy: Civil Engineer
Kennedy1Great HallColumnH53Dr. and Mrs. F. Bryan Kennedy
Kenyon & Standish1Great HallRow4143Mary Richards Kenyon, Carolyn Richards Standish
Kerr1Great HallColumnH60The Arthur J. Kerr Family
Kessler1Great HallRow2244Friederick Kessler
Ketchel2InnovationsColumnA20Peter and Patricia Ketchel: Our Adored Parents
Ketchum1Great HallColumnG145The Ketchum Brothers: Carlton, George, Kenneth, Francis
Ketchum1Great HallRow419Ketchum Public Relations
Keyes1Great HallColumnB25William W. Keyes
Keyho1Great HallColumnF73James J. Keyho: Grandfather
Kiefer1Great HallColumnG93Louise J. Kiefer: Teacher
Kincaid2InnovationsRow121Thomas S. Kincaid: Father
King1Great HallColumnF43William Raffington King, Anne Collins King: Revered Parents
King1Great HallColumnF44William Collins and Carol T. King: A Vision Fulfilled
King1Great HallRow2220Dorothea M. Miley King: Mother 9/8/08-4/6/1993
Kinsey2InnovationsRow212Robert K. Kinsey: Mexican War Streets
Kirchner1Great HallRow168Sophie and Alex Kirchner, Jr.: Grandparents and Mentors
Kirimli1Great HallColumnF53Lynn A. Kirimli
Kirk1Great HallRow37George B. Kirk: Teacher
Kirkmeyer2InnovationsRow441Georgia Kirkmeyer: Mother
Kish1Great HallRow348Helen Kepich Kish: Everyone's 'Baba'
Kissinger1Great HallColumnE133Ruth Beck Kissinger
Klackzak1Great HallRow114Helen Klackzak, A Loving Aunt
Kleer1Great HallRow2285Clemens Kleer, Elizabeth Creehan Kleer: Our Parents
Klein1Great HallColumnA11Eugene and Ruth Ann Klein
Klein1Great HallColumnE27Eugene J. Klein: Founder-Mentor
Knecht1Great HallColumnA28Knecht Family: Harry, Lynn and Maureen
Knezic1Great HallColumnC106In Loving Memory of Frank A. Knezic
Knights1Great HallRow248Paul A. Knights: Teacher
Knoell1Great HallColumnH50The Knoell Family
Kobus2InnovationsRow142Kenneth J. and Linda M. Kobus
Koch1Great HallColumnF63Koch Treasured Sons: Memory of Our Beloved Son, Eddie and Loving Sons, John and Bob
Koch2InnovationsRow150Alexander and Anna M. Koch: Parents
Kociko1SmithsonianColumnA24Archbishop Stephen J. Kocisko Catholic Church of the Byzantine Rite
Kociko1SmithsonianColumnA25Monsiyner John S. Kociko Catholic Church of the Byzantine Rite
Kolbrener2InnovationsRow335Fitting Kolbrener
Kolesar-Wagasky2InnovationsRow42Kolesar-Wagasky Families
Kolman1Great HallRow2100Kolman Jewelers, Inc.: Monroeville - 25th Year
Kolodzej1Great HallRow131John and Anna Kolodzej: Slovack Grandparents
Komar1Great HallRow2250Mike and Pauline Komar
Kovac2InnovationsRow526Theresa Sepesky Kovac, John G. Kovac
Koval & Wolken1Great HallColumnH84Drew Koval, Teresa Wolken
Kovar1Great HallColumnA12The Rev. J. V. and Maria Kovar, James and Esther Weaver
Kraeling1Great HallRow4127Harry A. Kraeling: Aviation Pioneer
Kraft2InnovationsRow236Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick Kraft, Jr.
Kramer1Great HallRow2289Benjamin and Cecelia Kramer: Parents and Grandparents
Kramer2InnovationsRow538Alex and Mary Kramer: Parents
Kraus2InnovationsRow422John and Albertina Kraus: Grandparents
Kravitz2InnovationsRow551Jeffery, Eileen, Brendan and Megan Kravitz
Kreuch1Great HallColumnC121Paul and Mildred Kreuch: Fox Chapel
Kristoff2InnovationsColumnA39Andrew Kristoff: Father, Steelworker
Kruman1Great HallColumnA16Jack and Estelle Kruman and Family
Kubiak1Great HallRow475Edward W. Kubiak: USN
Kundravi2InnovationsRow519Thomas J. Kundravi: My Beloved Brother
Kush1Great HallColumnC84In Loving Memory of Lynne Mankowski Kush
Kushon1Great HallColumnD129The Kushon Family: Rick, Joyce, Rich and Jason
Kutsenkow1Great HallRow1188In Honor of Dr. Michael and Mrs. Rose M. Kutsenkow
Kutz2InnovationsRow143Jacob H. Kutz: Father
Kyle1Great HallColumnE122William Joseph Kyle, Jr., Mary Camden Kyle
Labriola1Great HallColumnC67Leonard Labriola: Italian Stores
Lach1Great HallRow1189In memory of John M. Lach, friend and colleague Citizens Bank Pittsburgh
Ladick1Great HallColumnB40Ronald M. Ladick, from his children
Ladley1Great HallColumnG81Richard H. Ladley, Sr.
Ladley1Great HallColumnG82John B. Ladley, Sr.
Ladley1Great HallColumnG83W.L. Ladley: Son
Lagana1Great HallRow151Dr. Joseph F. Lagana: Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Executive Director Emeritus
Laird1Great HallColumnG180Mr. and Mrs. George A. Laird Family
Lamping1Great HallRow1186Joseph and Edna Lamping
Landesberg1Great HallRow311Rose and Hannah Landesberg
Lang-Hudacek1Great HallRow234Lang-Hudacek Families
Lange1Great HallColumnH72Ulrich and Inge Lange: "Gluckauf" von allen kindern
Lankiewicz2InnovationsRow253The Lankiewicz Family
LaPietra1Great HallColumnB35Jack and Jessie LaPietra
Larkin2InnovationsRow548Edward F. and Alma Larkin: From Your Loving Family
Larson1Great HallRow173Henning and Laura Larson: Home Builders
Latshaw1Great HallColumnA7Eunice Latshaw Ross: Judge
Laux2InnovationsRow57Robert V. Laux, Sr.: Father
Lawrenceville Historical Society1Great HallRow233Lawrenceville Historical Society - Pittsburgh, PA
Laws1Great HallColumnG79Donald M. and Barbara R. Laws: Steven, Dianne and Scott: General Council, US Steel
Lednack2InnovationsRow117The Lednak Family
Lee1Great HallColumnC45Frederick W. Lee, Elise Lee (Wolff) Beloved Parents
Lee1Great HallColumnH11Alfried O. Lee: USAF Navigator, WWII B24, Korean War B29
Lee2InnovationsColumnA37Nancy H. Lee
Lee2InnovationsRow426Nancy H. Lee: Friend and Mentor
Leebov1Great HallRow441Mike Leebov: Builder
Lehman1Great HallRow170Mr. Alan C. Lehman
Leindecker2InnovationsRow218Raymond J. Leindecker Family
Leonardi2InnovationsColumnA34The Leonardi Family: Frank, Becky, Sarah, Michael
Levenson2InnovationsColumnA1William Lewis Levenson: Executive
Levenson2InnovationsColumnA2Abraham and Ida Levenson: Parents
Levin2InnovationsRow539Howard Levin: Sui Generis
Levinson1Great HallColumnC133Joel R. and Toba G. Levinson: Levinson Steel Company: Pittsburghscape/Bookworm
Levinson1Great HallColumnC134Abe (co-founder) and Bessie Levinson: Levinson Steel Company: South Side Pittsburgh
Levy2InnovationsRow114Dr. and Mrs. Marshall S. Levy
Lewis1Great HallRow244In Memory of Thomas Jenkins Lewis Jr.
Lewis1Great HallRow245In Honor of Martha P. Mack Lewis
Lex1Great HallColumnB71Ethel & Andrew Lex McKees Rocks Parents
Lhormer1Great HallColumnF72Arlene & Barry Lhormer
Lilja2InnovationsRow144Robert E. Lilja, Madeline M. Murray Lilja
Limbach1Great HallRow4126Sarah and Emil Limbach: Grandparents
Linder1Great HallColumnA8Richard L. Linder: Pittsburgh Educator
Linder1Great HallColumnE86Edward L. Linder and Associates
Linder1Great HallRow324Betty Fath Linder, Joseph Linder
Liveratti1Great HallRow44Pietro Liveratti Family
Livingston1Great HallColumnE72In Honor of the Family of Joann and Ron Livingston
Llewellyn1Great HallRow277Carol Ferguson Llewellyn, 12/3/1946 - 5/29/1998
Lloyd2InnovationsRow255Jon and Jackie, Hillary and Hardy Lloyd
Lloyds2InnovationsRow241The Lloyds: William, Joyce and Daniel Adam
Lobes1Great HallRow143Loretta Sullivan Lobes: Ph.D. American History
Logan1Great HallColumnD62Blanche and R.E. Logan
Logan1Great HallRow175John Logan: Logan Castle, Pine Twp. Settled 1797
Logan2InnovationsRow220Daniel, Sam and Paul Logan
Loomis2InnovationsColumnA33George P. Loomis: Manufacturer
Lottie1SmithsonianRow35Earnest J. & Lottie P. Edwards
Loub1Great HallColumnH13Adriana Zini Loub, 10/21/1933-9/18/1992
Louderback2InnovationsRow530The Future: Kate (b. 1986) and Sam (b. 1994) Louderback
Louise and Perry Dick Foundation1Great HallColumnF26Louise and Perry Dick Foundation
Lowenstein1Great HallColumnA14William M. Lowenstein: Son
Lowry2InnovationsRow227James Lowry: Twenty-Fourth Mayor
Loysen2InnovationsColumnA50Karen Loysen: Architect
Lucarelli1Great HallColumnD45Vincent J. Lucarelli, Raffaela Lucarelli, Anthony J. Lucarelli, AIA
Lucchino1Great HallColumnB27Frank J. Lucchino, Esq.: Councilman, Controller, Judge
Lucchino1Great HallColumnC49The Lucchino Family: Dominic and Rose, Frank and Bobbie, Larry
Lucidi2InnovationsRow59Donald Joel Lucidi: Pharmacist
Mack-Lewis1Great HallColumnE59Martha Mack Lewis: In Memory of Lila W. Purington Mack
Mackowick1Great HallColumnH75Edward F. Mackowick: Father
Maghrak1Great HallRow2241Joseph E. Maghrak
Magnotti1Great HallColumnI4The William J. (Pat) Magnotti Family
Mahla1Great HallRow4140Ronald S. Mahla Family: Pittsburgh Business People
Maiese2InnovationsRow555Michael and Michele Maiese
Makovics & Kickler2InnovationsRow443Ann E. Makovics and Stephen J. Kickler: Parents
Mamatas2InnovationsRow331Eva Randas Mamatas: Greek Immigrant and Mother
Manges2InnovationsRow129Dana Fulton Manges
Mankowski1Great HallColumnD92In loving memory of Lynne Mankowski Kush
Mansmann1Great HallRow2156Albert J. Mansmann
Marasco1Great HallRow2298Pasquale and Clementina Marasco and Family
Marcus1Great HallRow2240Milton Marcus
Markel1Great HallRow424Leslie and Richard Markel: Sister and Brother
Markosek1Great HallColumnD79Representative Joe Markosek and Brandon Markosek
Markovitz Enterprises, Inc.1Great HallColumnE129Markovitz Enterprises, Inc.
Markus1Great HallColumnC64Bill and Carole Markus, Jennifer Markus
Markus1Great HallColumnC65Louis and Lillian Oswald, Carole O. Markus
Markus1Great HallColumnC66William H. and Sarah Markus, William E. Markus
Marous1Great HallColumnD146John and Lucine Marous
Marshall1Great HallRow1176Harold C. Marshall, Rosemary Marshall
Marshall1Great HallRow292Stanley C. Marshall: Great Books, Great Friends
Marshall1Great HallRow293Alice Zindel Marshall: Ovarian Thinker
Marshall Elevator Co.1Great HallColumnE70Marshall Elevator Company, Established 1818: George Marshall Heiner
Marsico1Great HallRow2203Adelfina Faustina Marsico: Nurse
Martin2InnovationsColumnA6Peggy and Max Martin: Connie, Will, Maggie
Martin1Great HallRow2277The J. Willis Martin Family of Washington County
Martin1Great HallRow432John and Louise Martin: Grandparents
Martin2InnovationsRow319John Martin: Blacksmith
Mascaro1Great HallRow174Peter Joseph Mascaro: Civil Engineer, Contractor
Masich1Great HallRow1200Max Masich
Mason1Great HallColumnA23Frank L. Mason: Educator
Massey1Great HallColumnE99Harris B. and Doris J. Massey
Mast1Great HallColumnA32James H. Mast: HSWP Executive Director, 1977-1979
Mateer1Great HallColumnF101Harry Oliver Mateer: Physician
Mathieson1Great HallColumnE50Andrew Mathieson: Grandfather, Steelworker
Matthews2InnovationsRow439Rose Ann Matthews Simeone: Uniontown, PA
Matvey1Great HallColumnC125Rudolph and Agnes Matvey: Beloved Parents
Maurice1Great HallRow177Breier: Helen and Maurice
Mavrinac1Great HallColumnB32Anthony Mavrinac: October 28, 1890 - August 10, 1962: Iron Moulder - Pittsburgh Rolls
May2InnovationsRow429Ramon Kenneth May: Pharmacist
Mayer1Great HallColumnG84Constance Mayer, Elizabeth Baxendale: Celebrating Life Together
Mayernik1Great HallColumnD64State Representative, Dave Mayernik: Chris, Lauren, Mackenzie, 1999
Mayhle1Great HallColumnE43Stephen J. Mayhle Pittsburgh Police Officer Fallen Hero
Mazziotti2InnovationsRow223Louise Yelenic Mazziotti: Mother
Mazziotti2InnovationsRow224Joseph Leon Mazziotti: Father
Mazzuca1Great HallRow196Bob and Nanette Mazzuca: With Respect and Admiration, Your GPC Scouting Family
McAfee1Great HallColumnC92Jerry McAfee: Chairman Gulf Oil
McCaffrey2InnovationsRow320John and Mary McCaffrey: Grandparents
McCall1Great HallColumnH41Richard McCall
McCall-Randolph1Great HallRow350Hazel McCall - Randolph: Beloved Mother
McCambridge1Great HallColumnD131John and Margaret McCambridge: Beloved Father and Mother
McCants2InnovationsRow527Willie McCants: Father
McCartan1Great HallColumnH42In Honor of Arthur F. and Ruth I. McCartan
McClain2InnovationsRow541Dr. and Mrs. EJ McClain, Jr. Family
McClelland2InnovationsRow214R. Dennis and Dale B. McClelland
McClelland2InnovationsRow525Samuel R. McClelland
McClelland2InnovationsRow546Bill and Claudia McClelland: Teachers
McClure1Great HallColumnF23John McClure, Martha Denny McClure, 1749
McComb1Great HallColumnG153James McComb: Pioneer, Soldier, Lawmaker
McCombs1Great HallRow232Clara Bright McCombs: Grandmother
McConomy1Great HallColumnD97The McConomy Family
McConomy1Great HallColumnH55Titus and McConomy: Attorneys at Law
McCormick1Great HallRow267N. Smith and C. McCormick: Great-Grandparents
McCoy1Great HallRow2172Edward E. McCoy: Financier
McCrory1Great HallColumnG167Bernard J. McCrory Family: Bern, Bob, Karen, Ken
McCullough1Great HallColumnF25C. Hax McCullough: Advocate for Pittsburgh
McCune1Great HallColumnF58Sam and Barbara McCune: It’s a Privilege to Serve
McDonough1Great HallColumnH58Mary A. McDonough
McDonough1Great HallRow113Thomas J. McDonough: Lover of Pittsburgh
McEldowney1Great HallColumnC68Henry Clay McEldowney: Outstanding Banker
McFadden1Great HallRow4122Maria Hohl and John Joseph McFadden, Jr.: Parents
McFall1Great HallColumnG176William B. and Ruth McFall
McFarlane1Great HallColumnF22Andrew McFarlane, Margaret Lynn Lewis McFarlane, 1774
McFate1Great HallRow4154Elsie Huntley McFate: Landscape Architect
McGinnis1Great HallColumnF20Gerald Edward and Audrey Lanz McGinnis
McGinnis-Young2InnovationsRow43McGinnis-Young Family
McGowan1SmithsonianRow224Bernard J. McGowan Judge Mentor Friend
McGuinn1Great HallRow2148Martin G. McGuinn: Chairman, Board of Trustees: Dynamic Leadership
McGuinn1Great HallRow310Ann and Marty McGuinn
McKamish1Great HallRow2144McKamish Family
McKee1Great HallColumnC88George A. McKee: Descendent of McKees Rocks Founder
McKenna2InnovationsRow554John V. and Ann P. McKenna Family
McKevitt1Great HallColumnI2The McKevitt Family
McManus1Great HallColumnA45The McManus Family
McMarlin1Great HallRow2293David Charleston McMarlin: Master Carpenter
McMarlin1Great HallRow2294William McMarlin: Pine Township Pioneer
McNerny1Great HallColumnC89Amy E. and Erin M. McNerney: Daughters
McVay1Great HallColumnB74William Patrick McVay: Son
Means1Great HallColumnD71In Memory of Richard K. Means
Means1Great HallColumnE96M/M Richard K. Means, Jr., Lela Means Wadsworth, Richard K. Means III
Means1Great HallRow154Eugene R. Means: S.W. Means Lumber Co., 1901-1994
Mears1Great HallRow4130Specialties of Orthopaedics: Dana C. Mears, MD
Mehaffey1Great HallRow452William Mehaffey, Margaret Boggs Mehaffey
Melle1Great HallRow163Nicholas and Anna Melle: Father, Mother
Melnick1Great HallColumnE47Susan Melnick, Archivist & Friend
Melrose1SmithsonianRow325Irene & Douglas C. Melrose Sr. Loving Parents
Mensch1Great HallColumnA15Bertha A. Mensch: Teacher in Manchester
Menzel Lumber1Great HallColumnC123Menzel Lumber and Supply Co. 2839 East Street, Est. 1956
Meredith1Great HallRow2291William A. Meredith: Father
Meredith1Great HallRow2292Martha A. Meredith: Mother
Merry1Great HallRow172Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Merry
Messner1Great HallColumnG172Robert T. and Anne Messner
Metosky1Great HallRow2159Marvin and Edna Metosky: Beloved Parents
Metosky1Great HallRow2160Samuel and Celia Metosky, Israel and Sarah Feldman: Beloved Grandparents
Meyer1Great HallColumnC102Richard B. Meyer Family
Meyer1Great HallRow266Gregor Meyer: Wholesale Grocer
Meyer2InnovationsRow126William A. Meyer: Attorney
Meyer2InnovationsRow128William A. Meyer, Jr.: Amateur Historian
Milan1Great HallRow4101Michael Milan, Sr.: J. Poli, Inc.
Miller1Great HallColumnD27The Joseph Miller Family
Miller1Great HallColumnD109Kenneth F. Miller, MD, Florence Minnick Miller
Miller1Great HallColumnE102Delvin Miller, Albert Miller: Meadowcroft Founders
Miller1Great HallColumnH71The Miller Famly: 200 Years on the Land at Meadowcroft 1795-1995
Miller1Great HallRow1182Patrick Devlin Miller: Very Special Son, February 20, 2001
Miller1Great HallRow1183Mary Elizabeth Miller: Beloved Granddaughter, January 27, 1998
Miller1Great HallRow1184Tom Miller: Rugby Coach
Miller1Great HallRow2268Anne Madarasz Miller: Scholar
Miller1Great HallRow2269Tom Miller: My Daddy
Miller2InnovationsRow542Robert D. and Carol F. Miller
Milsom1Great HallColumnF110R.C. Milsom Family
Minnis2InnovationsColumnA15Margaret H. Minnis, Hugh McLean Minnis
Minno1Great HallRow169Frances and Alexander M. Minno: Family
Minoski1Great HallColumnH37Michael Russell Minoski: Father/Electrician
Minteer2InnovationsRow156Maura L. Minteer: There's No Place Like Home
Mitchell1Great HallColumnB73Paul George Mitchell: Son, Husband, Father
Mitchell1Great HallColumnB79Ruth Crawford Mitchell: Dir. Nationality Rooms
Mitchell1Great HallRow161Glenn and Ethel Mitchell: Brentwood
Modzelewski2InnovationsRow17John Charles Modzelewski: Dziadzia - Steelworker
Moffett1Great HallRow289Eileen Moffett Wilson: Mother
Mole2InnovationsRow550John Mole: Engineer
Moll1Great HallRow4131S. Don Moll: Theater Director, Camp Director
Molnar1Great HallColumnH79Douglas, Irma and William Molnar
Montgomery1Great HallColumnA47Harry W. and Stella L. Montgomery: DD552 Boquet, PA 15644
Moody1Great HallRow2187Moody Funeral Home: Clinton, PA
Moone & Robertson & Moore1Great HallRow4123The Moone - Robertson and Moore - Parker Families
Moore1Great HallRow2186William and Mary K. Moore: PRR - Altoona Foundry
Moore1Great HallRow2273Jean A. Moore
Moore1Great HallRow2274The John P. Moore Family: Grandparents
Moore1Great HallRow2275Judge and Mrs. George V. Moore: Parents
Morelli1Great HallRow241Andrew Joseph Morelli, Frank John Morelli III
Moroso1Great HallColumnB41Ida Molinaro Moroso, Pieri Moroso
Morris1Great HallColumnC79John Georgiou Morris - Greece: Palace of Sweets, Monessen
Morris1Great HallColumnH83Gregory Alden Morris, PhD, Thelma Lovette Morris
Morris1Great HallRow489E. Tyler Morris: Beloved Son and Brother
Morris1Great HallRow4100John T. Morris: Husband and Father
Morris2InnovationsRow215Richard Henry Morris: Coalminer
Moser2InnovationsRow136Arthur Moser: In Honor of His 90th
Mowry1Great HallColumnB57The Mowry Family
Mrvos1Great HallRow341Dr. and Mrs. Donald Mrvos
Mudron2InnovationsRow450Loretta Mudron: Special Person and Mother
Mulroy2InnovationsRow438Della Mulroy: Nurse and Mother
Munhall High School1Great HallRow490Munhall High School Class of 1947
Murdoch1SmithsonianRow329David and Joan Murdoch Christina Timothy & Deborah
Murphy1Great HallColumnD52Tim Murphy: State Senator
Murrin1Great HallRow2236Tom and Dee Murrin
Murrin1Great HallRow319Tom and Dee Murrin
Muscante2InnovationsRow436Karaffa, Muscante, Potocniak, Ferrara
Muse Foundation1Great HallColumnE28Muse Foundation
Musmanno1Great HallRow328John L. Musmanno: Judicial Excellence Lifetime Service to the People
Myers1Great HallColumnA24Dr. and Mrs. Eugene N. Myers
Myron & Didion1Great HallRow412Myron and Didion Families: Our Mount Oliver Roots
National Roll Co.1Great HallColumnE127National Roll Company: Founded in 1893
Navarro1Great HallRow121The Navarro Family
Nedved1Great HallColumnG80Kimball and Diane D. Nedved: Grandparents
Nedved1Great HallRow2196Bradley Arthur Nedved: Nedved Grandchild
Nedved1Great HallRow2257Marissa Kimball Nedved: Nedved Grandchild
Neidhardt2InnovationsRow248Mary Happ Neidhardt "Aki"
Neumann2InnovationsRow321St. John Neumann: CSSR, St. Philomena, Pittsburgh
Nevin1Great HallRow2171Hugh G. Nevin Banker
Newell1Great HallColumnA21Anita Newell: Immigrant and Citizen
Newman2InnovationsRow52John H. Newman, MD and Jean L. Newman
Nicholson1Great HallColumnC69John Hancock Nicholson: Industrialist
Nicola1Great HallColumnD23In Loving Memory Gaetano and Grace Nicola: James and Helen Trombino
Nimick1Great HallColumnA35T. Howe Nimick: Father
Nimick1Great HallRow38Francis Bailey Nimick and Mary Spencer Nimick
Northeasterners1Great HallRow459The Northeasterners Inc.: Pittsburgh Chapter, 1948
Novak1Great HallColumnA42John and Martha M. Novak
Nucci2InnovationsRow112Carmine Nucci, Millie Bonacci Nucci
Nurses' Alumnae Association1Great HallColumnE81Nurses' Alumnae Association: Allegheny General Hospital, Established 1898
Nurses' Alumnae Association1Great HallColumnE82Nurses' Alumnae Association: Allegheny General Hospital, Established 1898
O'Conner1Great HallRow4146Austin and Mary O'Conner: Bessemer Terrace
O'Connor1Great HallColumnH29To Alice O'Connor: Death Ends Life Not Relationships
O'Connor1Great HallRow270Bishop Michael O'Connor: Diocese of Pittsburgh
O'Donnell1Great HallColumnC129Leo Day O'Donnell, MD, Elizabeth Patterson O'Donnell
O'Hara & Gray1Great HallRow2188Teresa O'Hara and Paul L. Gray: Parents
O'Malley1Great HallColumnG174Patrick O'Malley: Father
OASIS Polish Gorup1Great HallColumnA48OASIS Polish Group Pittsburgh
Oates1Great HallColumnD143George Barrington Oates, Helen McCreery Oates
Oberlin1Great HallColumnA18Our German Ancestors: Burland Steeb Oberlin
Off1Great HallRow2238The Robert W. Off Family
Okerberg2InnovationsRow412The Emil R. Okerberg Family
Oliver2InnovationsColumnA21Marion J. Kocab Oliver: Mother and Indomitable Spirit
Olson1Great HallColumnC86Terry Gesualdo Olson: A Voice of an Angel
Ondo1Great HallColumnC100John Ondo Family: Munhall Gardens
Onopa1Great HallColumnB81In Loving Memory: Franciszek and Jezofa Onopa Family
Oppenheimer1Great HallRow2204The Oppenheimer Family
Organization of Chinese Americans1Great HallRow119Organization of Chinese Americans
Ormsby1Great HallColumnC52John Ormsby: A Pittsburgh Founder
Orr1Great HallColumnE80Marian A. Orr, PhD, MPM: The Heinz School, Carnegie Mellon University
Orzechowski & Klazak1Great HallRow115Sylvia Orzechowski and John Klazak: Parents
Osterling1Great HallRow467The Osterling Family: Builders and Architects
Owens1Great HallRow327Loving Memory: My Parents, E. Vincent and Helen F. Owens
Pack2InnovationsRow14Walter, Mildred and John Pack: Fireman, Tele. Opr., CIT EE
Packy2InnovationsRow234Stanley and Beatrice Packy: Parents
Page1SmithsonianRow217Benjamin Page Glass Factory
Pagliari1Great HallColumnE119The Pagliari Family
Paladin2InnovationsRow139The Eugene Paladin Family
Palmer2InnovationsColumnA51Thomas Dean Palmer, Sr.: Father
Palombo2InnovationsColumnA43Guido A. Palombo: Father, USWA Auditor
Palowitch1Great HallColumnF103John and Ann Palowitch: The Palowitch Family
Palumbo Charitable Trust1Great HallRow2147The A.J. and Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust
Park1Great HallColumnF107Dale and Rebecca G. Park: James and Jeanne F. Clarke
Parker1Great HallColumnE33Amy Kerr Parker, David Parker
Parker/Hunter1SmithsonianRow245Parker/Hunter In Honor of 100 Years of Service 2002
Parkin1Great HallColumnD31The Parkin Family
Parma Sausage Products, Inc.1Great HallRow466Parma Sausage Products, Inc.
Pasquale1Great HallRow222Edward & Angela Pasquale. Emigrated from Nusco, Italy. Aguri a Tutti!
Passavant1Great HallRow288Reverend Wm. A. Passavant: Lutheran Pastor
Patterson1Great HallColumnF47In Memory of Marian Frank Patterson and Gordon Patterson
Patton1Great HallColumnA4Corinne and James M. Patton
Payan1Great HallColumnC124Hank and Irene Payan
Paytok1Great HallRow332Anna and Louis Paytok: Parents
Pearson1Great HallColumnA46Pearson Boys: Nate, Howe, Nate Jr., Jim, Nate M. and Henry
Pearson1Great HallColumnD73Nate, Howe and Henry Pearson
Peat1Great HallRow430D. Barr Peat: Aviation Pioneer
Peluso2InnovationsRow511Robert Guy Peluso: Mining Engineer
Pendelton2InnovationsRow437J. Scott Pendleton: Nedved Grandchild
Pendleton1Great HallRow2223Diana Alicia Pendleton: Nedved Grandchild
Pendleton2InnovationsRow145James Kimball Pendleton: Nedved Grandchild
People of Western PA1Great HallColumnE30Dedicated to the people of Western Pennsylvania, June 4, 1997
Perri1Great HallRow352Sean Robert Perri
Perri1Great HallRow353Brian Thomas Perri
Perry1Great HallRow318Martha J. Perry
Peters1Great HallColumnB19Georgina Chamberlain Peters: She taught us how to love
Petrolio1Great HallRow283James and Jean Petrolio: Loved, Respected and Admired
Pfordt & Dickson2InnovationsRow28Frank William Pfordt, Kathryn Edgar Dickson
Piantanida1Great HallColumnC122Lillian Z. Piantanida: Teacher
Piantanida1Great HallRow226Piantanida Family - John, Esther, Louise, Edith, Jack
Pittsburgh Banjo Club2InnovationsRow135Pittsburgh Banjo Club
Pittsburgh Pioneers1Great HallColumnD116Pittsburgh Pioneers, Founded 1948: Culture and Charity
Pittsburgh Tube Company1Great HallColumnF30Pittsburgh Tube Company
Podolsky2InnovationsColumnA29Sol. And Esther I. Podolsky: Beloved Parents, Merchants
Poese1Great HallColumnC50Alan and Audrey Poese: Parents of Lauren Uhl
Polinsky1Great HallRow258Gerald R. Polinsky: History Teacher and Father
Polish Falcons of America1Great HallColumnG140Polish Falcons of America Fraternal Benefit Society
Polish Women's Alliance1Great HallColumnA34Polish Women's Alliance: Pittsburgh, PA
Pontello1Great HallColumnB89Rosa and Frank Pontello: Sharpsburg Baking Company
Pontello1Great HallColumnB90Nellie and Frank Pontello: Pontello Fine Candies
Popivchak1Great HallRow2239The John Popivchak Family
Popko1Great HallColumnD120Arlene L. Popko: Herbalist
Preisser1Great HallColumnE123Bernice G. Preisser: Communicator, Mentor, Friend
Presbyterian University Hospital1Great HallColumnG154Presbyterian University Hospital Nurses' Alumnae
Preservation Pittsburgh1Great HallColumnH59Preservation Pittsburgh
Primo2InnovationsRow12Frank and Rosina Primo: Grandparents
Prince1Great HallColumnC120Gerald S. Prince Twentieth Century Renaissance Man
Priory1Great HallRow347The Priory: A City Inn Restored
Prochniki1Great HallRow4142Boleslaw Prochnicki a/k/a Robert Proneker
Prus1Great HallRow2185Louis and Eva Prus and Family
Prynkiewich1Great HallRow4141Frank and Irene Proneker Prynkiewich: McKees Rocks, PA
Pulaski1Great HallColumnF109Kerry Pulaski: Banker
Putnam1Great HallColumnC76Harold C. Putnam, Margaret E. Putnam
Quemado1Great HallRow2131Cleotildo T. Quemado: World War II Veteran
Quinn1Great HallColumnD126James Leo Quinn, Happy 75th Birthday: The Quinn Family
Rabin1Great HallRow477Maurice Rabin: Husband, Father, Salesman
Rackley1Great HallRow45Bruce, Lynne (Arthur) and Justin Rackley
Randas2InnovationsRow330John Christos Randas: Greek Immigrant and Grandfather
Rauhecker1Great HallColumnH76Walter Schmeerl Rauhecker, Agnes P. Ryan - Rauhecker
Rauzan1Great HallRow147Charles A. and Magdalene A. Rauzan
Rauzan1Great HallRow148Jacquelyn Gregory - Rauzan, Charles A. Rauzan, Brittany M.A. Rauzan
Readshaw1Great HallColumnD58Harry A. Readshaw: State Representative, 36 District
Recuerden Los Martires1Great HallColumnF70Recuerden Los Martires del 20 de junio!
Reed1Great HallColumnC105David H. Reed: Electrical Engineer
Rees1Great HallColumnC83Mary Stasny Jurewicz Rees: Happy 70th Birthday, 29 March 1997
Rees2InnovationsColumnA3Jack Rees: Father, Caregiver, Friend - Love, Your Boys
Reese2InnovationsRow111The Reese Brothers, Inc.
Regenstein1Great HallRow429Pearl R. Regenstein: Wonderful Wife
Regional Planning Technologies, Inc.1Great HallRow420Regional Planning Technologies, Inc.
Reich1Great HallRow320Joseph H. Reich: Attorney
Reiche1Great HallColumnA25The Billy Reiche Family: Dormont
Revetta1Great HallColumnH80Lisa Marina Revetta: Sleep, Love and Family
Reynolds1Great HallColumnF82Eleanor Delaney Reynolds: My Mother
Ricci1Great HallRow2106Rose and Eugenio R. Ricci: 60th Anniversary 5/12/07, Love Anthony and Children
Richard1Great HallColumnC98Nancy Chapin Richard: Wife and Mother
Richard1Great HallColumnC99James Barnes Richard: Tax Collector and Father
Richarz1Great HallColumnG89John J. Richarz, 1859 - 1931: Carpenter, Loving Grandpap
Richman & Koch2InnovationsRow21The Richman and Koch Families
Rieck1Great HallRow2146Edward E. Rieck: Founder, Rieck Dairy 1886, Co - Founder, National Dairy 1923
Riesmeyer1Great HallColumnB64Fred Riesmeyer: Truck Driver
Riethmiller1SmithsonianRow623Till & Rich Riethmiller Great Parents Proud Millvaleans
Rike1Great HallColumnC90Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Rike
Riordan1Great HallColumnD49The Riordan Family
Risser1Great HallColumnD33Walter Scott Risser, Ruth Peters Risser
Rizzi1Great HallRow4120Ralph and Maria Rizzi: Cherished Parents, A Blessing to All
Road1Great HallColumnA13The Handy Dandy Helpers of Leon Road
Roberts1Great HallColumnD51Curtis Roberts: Pittsburgh Pirate, 1954-1956
Roberts1Great HallColumnF76John M. Roberts and Son, Co.: Jewelers Since 1832
Roberts2InnovationsRow134John M. Roberts
Roberts2InnovationsRow238Kathleen E. Roberts, MD: Mother/Physician
Roberts-Stephens1Great HallColumnG91Theresa Roberts-Stephens: Wife - Best Friend
Robertson1Great HallColumnB65Norman and Mavis Robertson: Pittsburgh, PA
Robinson1Great HallRow262In Loving Memory: M. Russell Robinson
Robinson1Great HallRow2178Stephen G. Robinson, Abigail C. Robinson: Father/Daughter
Robinson1Great HallRow2258Hon. Wm. Russell Robinson: Rep. 19th District PA
Robinson1Great HallRow423Leona Rom Robinson: Loving and Beloved Gramma
Rockwell1Great HallColumnF56Col. Willard F. Rockwell
Rockwell1Great HallColumnF57Willard F. Rockwell, Jr.
Rodgers2InnovationsRow251Captain John Rodgers: Riverboats
Rodgers2InnovationsRow55Stephanie Alexis Rodgers: Wonderful Niece
Rodriquez & Caroselli1Great HallColumnH44T. Rodriquez: Steelworker, T.G. Caroselli: Miner
Roehricht1Great HallColumnH95Quenton and Kimberly Roehricht
Rogal2InnovationsRow53James and Lori Rogal: Kate and Jake Rogal
Rohrich1Great HallRow235Charles W. Rohrich, Founder: Rohrich Cadillac, Inc.
Roncone2InnovationsRow132Wilbert A. Roncone, Sr.: Husband
Rooney1Great HallRow2136Art Rooney, Sr. "The Chief" Pittsburgh Steelers Founder
Rosack1Great HallColumnB66Paul and Anna Berda Rosack: Parents
Rosenberg1Great HallRow2281Jacob "Jock" Rosenberg: Athlete
Rosenblatt1Great HallColumnB85Roslyn and Harvey Rosenblatt: Alan, Donna, Susan, David
Ross1Great HallRow2288Mario Charles Ross, Rose Mangieri Ross
Rossi1Great HallColumnG171Henry Rossi and Company
Rossi1Great HallRow4138Edna Rossi: Artist, Entrepreneur and Devoted Mother
Roth1Great HallRow2181Bertram W. Roth, Audrey Butkin Roth
Roth1Great HallRow2194Adolph J. and Ida W. Roth: Businessman/Wife
Rotondo2InnovationsRow533Joseph Giuseppe Rotondo: Barber, Father
Rovenski2InnovationsColumnA41In Memorium: James H. and Paul E. Rovenski
Roy1Great HallRow1179Thos. W. and Shirley P. Roy: 50th Anniversary
Rudolph1Great HallColumnD40Leonard and Doris Rudolph Family
Ruttenberg1Great HallColumnA3Charles Leslie Ruttenberg, 1939-1993
Rychel1Great HallRow465Josephine and Margaret (Agostinelli) Rychel Family
Rzaca1Great HallColumnF24Richard Rzaca Family
Sample1SmithsonianRow237Paul Lindsay Sample 1897-1953
Sampson1Great HallColumnD100Orin Sampson: Builder
Samul1Great HallColumnB48Samul - Krawczyk - Markiewicz Families
Sandman1Great HallColumnE106Dan and Bonnie Sandman
Santa-Cruz1Great HallRow454Ivan Santa-Cruz: With Love from Susan and Caroline
Sardi2InnovationsRow532Charles J. Sardi, 1907-1990: Owner, Clarion Beverage Co.
Sarocky1Great HallRow4139Ladies Pa. Slovak Cath. Union: Cecilia Sarocky, President
Saturnia1Great HallColumnF102Spigno Saturnia: Italo American Society Since 1927
Sauereisen1Great HallColumnF108C. Fred Sauereisen: Founder
Sautter1Great HallRow453John Edward Sautter, Lydia Eleanor Sautter
Sbaffoni1Great HallColumnH57Sbaffoni Family: Coal Miners
Scalise1Great HallRow2280Rosario and Maria Z. Scalise: Gardener, Mother
Scanlon1Great HallColumnD81Eugene F. Scanlon: Pennsylvania State Senator
Schaffner1Great HallRow2296Dorothy R. Schaffner: Grandmother Extraordinaire
Schatz1Great HallColumnA6The Schatz Family, The Wright Family
Schiebel1Great HallColumnH51Terry A. Schiebel: Contributor, 1995
Schiller1Great HallColumnF64Else Schmidt Schiller: Schiller House 1807 - 1846, Gerald J. Schiller - 1938, Gerald S. Schiller - 1971
Schiller1Great HallColumnF65Schiller House 1807 - 1846, Gerald J. Schiller 1938, Gerald S. Schiller 1971
Schlotterer1Great HallRow444Jane Schlotterer Wilson: Pittsburgher
Schmeck1Great HallRow140Anthony and Pauline Schmeck
Schmertz1Great HallColumnH54Robert Watson Schmertz, Mildred Floyd Schmertz
Schmezer1Great HallColumnB46Bill and Betty Schmezer: Elliott Home Bakery
Schmitz1Great HallRow338Clara Stuffman Schmitz: Founder -- Zoar Home
Schneider1Great HallRow4147Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schneider
Schneider Downs1Great HallColumnA49Schneider Downs and Co, Inc.
Schofield1Great HallColumnB7Daniel George Schofield, Beloved Brother, 1951-2004
Schollaert2InnovationsRow337Lawrence Schollaert: World War II
Schoonmaker1Great HallColumnD55James M. and Lucy K. Schoonmaker Foundation
Schorr2InnovationsRow445Casper T. Schorr: Father and Engineer
Schratz2InnovationsColumnA54The Schratz Family
Schreiber1Great HallColumnF27Samuel Schreiber: Grandfather of Samuel and Joshua
Schuchman1Great HallColumnE125Jean Schuchman: Wife and Mother
Schuck2InnovationsRow239Charles Adam Schuck: Mech. Eng. And Inventor Glass
Schultise1Great HallRow153Robert A. Schultise: Machinist
Schumacher1Great HallColumnA40Carolyn Sutcher Schumacher for the Library and Archive Division
Schurman2InnovationsRow54Bradley Jay Schurman: Fifth Generation
Schwalm1Great HallRow2282Raymond and Georgette Schwalm
Sciullo1Great HallColumnE45Paul J. Sciullo II Pittsburgh Police Officer Fallen Hero
Scott1Great HallColumnD121Robert J. Scott: Family Man of Stalwart Courage
Scott1Great HallRow1197Gregg D. Scott
Scott1Great HallRow1198Walter and Doris Scott IC-FC-HI
Scott1Great HallRow2276Walter F. Scott
Scott1Great HallRow470Emma Meyran Scott: Wife of William Adolphus Scott, Jr.
Scott & McCune1Great HallRow2193Walter A. Scott: Realtor, Scott McCune
Scully1Great HallColumnA41Edward Scully Family: Open Hearth Steelmakers
Scully1Great HallColumnH69Thomas Vincent Scully: 1878-1947, Civil Engineering
Seeman2InnovationsRow217Jeremy Seeman (b.1993), Christopher Seeman (b.1995)
Seidenberg1SmithsonianRow621Mel Seidenberg 1915-2003 Newspaperman Writer
Seipp1Great HallRow110The Henry C. Seipp Ornamental Iron and Wire Works: Alleg City
Seippel2InnovationsColumnA47Melva Dumont Seippel: Mother
Semke1Great HallColumnH52In Loving Memory of Mary and Merrill Semke
Semmelrock1Great HallColumnE74John Franz Semmelrock: Introduced Legislation to Purify Pittsburgh's Water
Senko1Great HallColumnB72John Michael Senko: Son
Serafino1Great HallColumnH46In Honor of Serafino, Ebe, Lino and Lydia AgostiRead more
Shadyside Alumnae Association1Great HallColumnC62Shadyside Alumnae Association: First Nursing School, Western Pennsylvania
Shannon1Great HallColumnA44Robert I. Shannon
Shaw1Great HallRow223In loving memory of Bruce Walt Shaw: Avid Fan Cherished FriendRead more
Shea1Great HallColumnE55C. Bernard and Irene C. Shea
Sheffer2InnovationsRow140Dr. and Mrs. Alan Sheffer: In Honor of Our Family
Sherman1Great HallColumnC130The Sherman Family: Selma, Leon, Alyssa, Dana
Shilling1Great HallColumnF71Jack and Suzanne Shilling: Jack, David and Jeffrey
Shimer1Great HallRow433Maxine L. Shimer, Hon/Tal: Preston C. Shimer, Chemist
Shoenberger1Great HallColumnC51Dr. Peter Shoenberger: Ironmaster
Shoenberger1Great HallRow2209Peter Shoenberger: Ironmaster, Industrialist
Shore1Great HallRow2290Max and Gussie Shore: Parents and Grandparents
Shute2InnovationsColumnA12Florence L. Shute: Musician, Humanitarian, Mentor
Siconolfi-Homza1Great HallRow2104Siconolfi - Homza Families
Sidehamer1Great HallColumnB31The Sidehamer Family
Siebert2InnovationsColumnA35Peter William Siebert: County Recorder of Deeds
Siegwarth2InnovationsRow339Mary Bell Thomas Siegwarth: Aunt
Siger1Great HallRow446The Siger Family
Silberman1Great HallColumnC71Aaron Silberman Founder: American Thermoplastic Company
Silberstein2InnovationsRow32Sarah and Samuel Silberstein
Silverman2InnovationsColumnA26Abe Silverman: Business Founder
Simmons1Great HallColumnF97Paul A. Simmons: US District Judge
Simpson1Great HallColumnF111Al and Ann Simpson: Friends, US Senator - Cody, Wyoming
Simpson2InnovationsRow414Sara Keally Simpson, William Howard Simpson, Jr.
Simpson2InnovationsRow434Frank and Mary Simpson: Grandparents
Sincline1SmithsonianRow624Sincline Family Brian Michelle & Maxwell
Sipper & Prange1Great HallRow425The Frank Sipper and Carl Prange Families
Sisters of St. Francis1SmithsonianRow349Sisters of St. Francis of Millvale Pennsylvania Serving since Civil War
Skallos-Kulha2InnovationsRow22Skallos-Kulha: Plant Workers
Skillen1Great HallRow33Robert H. Skillen, Sally R. Skillen
Skoros & Stipanovich1Great HallRow2101Skoros and Stipanovich Families
Skovera1Great HallRow16Matt Skovera: Early UMW Organizer
Slack1Great HallColumnA39John C. Slack: Lawyer
Sloan & McCance2InnovationsRow24Andrw Earl Sloan, Martha Arnold McCance
Slovak Gymnastic Union2InnovationsRow451Slovak Gymnastic Union: Sokol USA #276 Pittsburgh, PA
Slovene National Benefit Society1Great HallColumnB37Slovene National Benefit Society (SNPJ)
Small1Great HallColumnD41Gladys and Gilbert Small, Marilyn and Henry
Smith1Great HallColumnH30Norman M. Smith, 1841-1902: Civil War Hero - Patriot
Smith1Great HallColumnH32George Franklyn Smith: Ulster Scot Heritage
Smith1Great HallRow19In Honor of Our Mother, Anne Thompson Smith: Emily and Phil
Smith1Great HallRow316Joseph G. Smith: Husband and Father
Smith1Great HallRow428The Smith Family: Sid, Sue and Kristy, 1996
Smith1Great HallRow4148Ann and Kelly Smith
Smith2InnovationsRow130Dale and Ann Smith: 205 S. 31st St. Camp Hill, PA
Smith2InnovationsRow529Florence J. Smith - Mother, Frederick R. Smith - Father
Smith-Wells1Great HallRow315Jane Beck Smith Wells: Wife and Mother
Smrekar1Great HallRow2201Mathias Smrekar: Immigrant Ancestor
Sninsky1Great HallColumnG96Edward R. and Anna Marie Sninsky
Snowden1Great HallRow2255John Maugridge Snowden: Pittsburgh's 3rd Mayor
Snyder1Great HallRow2103Snyder Associated Companies
Sodini1SmithsonianColumnA46Rita Nardi Sodini
Sosnowski2InnovationsRow318The Sosnowski Family
Spatz1Great HallRow4124John Kevin Spatz: Our Beloved Son, Mom and Dad
Spatz1Great HallRow4125Richard Edwin Spatz: WWII Veteran 84th Division
Spector2InnovationsColumnA30Emauel and Mary Spector: Parents
Spisak1Great HallColumnB70Anne and Andrew Spisak: McKees Rocks Grandparents
Spisak1Great HallColumnH20George J. Spisak: Butcher
Springer1Great HallColumnC54Levi Springer: Fayette County Pioneer
Springer1Great HallRow237Imani Nia Springer and Christina M. Springer
Springer1Great HallRow238Maryn Springer and Brian O.A. Springer
Srsic1Great HallRow152Ms. M. Srsic: Teacher Knoxville Middle School
St. Francis Health System1SmithsonianRow345St. Francis Health System providing healthcare for 137 years
St. Philomena1Great HallColumnE78St. Philomena Redemptorist and Fathers School, Sisters of Notre Dame
Stabile1Great HallColumnH23Rosario Stabile: Blacksmith
Stabile1Great HallRow191Virginia and John Stabile: Remembered by Rita, Jack and Carol
Stack2InnovationsRow325John and Eileen Stack
Stackhouse2InnovationsRow58Paul A. Stackhouse, Sr. : Labor Leader
Stacklin1Great HallColumnG177Leo and Clara Stacklin: Parents
Staisey1SmithsonianRow225Leonard C. Staisey Judge
Staisey1SmithsonianRow229Emilia S. Staisey Devoted History Center Volunteer
Staley1Great HallColumnF77Donald and Suzanne Staley: Our Mom, Dad, Nana and Papa, Love Your Sons and Families
Stalter1Great HallColumnD148Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Stalter and Family
Stambolis2InnovationsRow417Helen C. Stambolis: Mother
Stamler2InnovationsRow524Wilbert Weiss Stamler: Carpenter
Stanitski1Great HallColumnA10Stanitski: Michael, Ann, John, Kate
Stanny1Great HallColumnA31The Stanny Family
Staresinic1Great HallRow111In Honor of Edward C. Staresinic
Stark1Great HallRow2245William and Olga B. Stark: Sally Rock - Hilar Pasekoff
Starz1Great HallRow274George W. Starz: Interior Restoration
Steck1Great HallRow221Margaret M. Steck Forever in Our HeartsRead more
Steel1Great HallColumnB88John W. Steel: Iron Worker
Steen1Great HallRow4153David Steen: Coal Merchant
Stein1Great HallColumnB36Marjorie, Charles, Andrew Stein
Stein1Great HallRow2264Jacob and Sarah Stein: Great-Great Grandparents
Stephens2InnovationsRow510In Memory: Lillian B. Stephens, Sec. to Vira I. Heinz
Stephenson1Great HallColumnG164Robert R. Stephenson, W.W. Wentz, Thomas I. Stephenson
Stern1Great HallRow447Erin, Lindsay and Michael: Joan and Robert Stern
Stewart1Great HallRow2232Father - A. Nathan Stewart, Mother - Katie D. Stewart
Stewart2InnovationsRow124Linda Kathryn Stewart: Genealogist
Stewart2InnovationsRow31Scott Daniel and Matt Stewart: Grandsons of Joyce Owens
Stewart2InnovationsRow342E. Jackson and Sharon Stewart: Sons, Scott and Daniel Stewart
Stilley1Great HallRow325Betty Linder Stilley, Howard M. Stilley
Stilley1Great HallRow326Loving Parents Hilda and Howard Stilley
Stipanovich1Great HallRow128Alex Stipanovich, Bertha Stipanovich
Stipetich1Great HallColumnD133George S. Stipetich, Heidi L. Stipetich
Stitler2InnovationsRow131Edward Simpson Stiteler: Ma de los Angeles Lopez Portillo
Stock1Great HallColumnH62David B. Stock: Contact Lens Specialist
Stokan2InnovationsRow534Edward M. and Anna D. Stokan: Carpenter, Nurse, Parents
Stone1Great HallColumnD42Paul Kress and Son Stone Company
Stone1Great HallColumnH77Lucy Stone: Civic League Founded February 8, 1911
Stotka1Great HallColumnA22Victor L. Stotka: Captain, Medical Corps, USN
Stotz1Great HallColumnC103Charles M. Stotz: Architect, Pioneer in Restoration
Stouffer1Great HallColumnH90S. William Stouffer
Stouffer1Great HallColumnH92Margaret S. Stouffer
Stowell1Great HallColumnD117Kirk David Stowell: Teacher
Stratiff1Great HallRow4144Samuel Floyd Straitiff: Father, May Matson Straitiff: Mother
Strayhorn1Great HallRow1124Billy Strayhorn: 1990 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Stricko1Great HallColumnE120Jordan Ann Stricko: Daughter
Strothers1Great HallRow2190Stewart W. Strothers: Educator
Struminger1Great HallColumnA2Moe and Carrie Struminger: Builders of Community
Strutzel1Great HallRow2260Blasé & Stella Strutzel Grocer & Boarding House Mgr.
Stuckeman1Great HallColumnE124Eleanor R. Stuckeman
Stuckeman1Great HallColumnF60Alan Rockwell Stuckeman
Stuckeman1Great HallColumnF61H. Campbell Stuckeman
Stuckeman1Great HallRow1178Eleanor R. Stuckeman
Stuckeman2InnovationsRow125Alan R. and Linda V. Stuckeman
Subosits1Great HallColumnF66To Honor Frank and Elizabeth Subosits and Their Parents
Sullivan1Great HallRow1127Maxine Sullivan: 1987 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Surma1Great HallRow2301John Peter Surma: December 1, 1918 - August 1, 2988
Surmick1Great HallRow2163The Surmick Family
Sutch1Great HallRow162Dan A. Sutch: Carnegie Tech E38
Sutter1Great HallRow495William G. Sr. and Margaret (McNally) Sutter
Sutton1Great HallColumnB43Louise M. Sutton: Child Advocate
Svidro1Great HallRow449Frank and Margaret Svidro: Loving Parents
Swartz1Great HallColumnA29Bella Nevins Swartz, Stanley Martin Swartz
Sweeney2InnovationsRow119Patrick Boyce Sweeney: Civil War Dry Goods Merchant
Sweeney2InnovationsRow120Mary Sweeney McAteer: Mother, John B. McAteer: Father
Sweeneys2InnovationsRow211The Regis D. Sweeneys: A Pittsburgh Family
Swetonic2InnovationsColumnA57Swetonic, Rander, Ruppert and Banovatz Families
Synnott1Great HallRow2182Tom and Frances Synnott and Family
Tallant1Great HallRow297James Calvin Tallant: Country Lawyer
Tamburri1Great HallRow4136The Children of David Henry Tamburri
Tanczos1Great HallColumnF54Laura A. Tanczos
Tardy2InnovationsRow324Oma and Opa Tardy
Tauberg2InnovationsRow137Herbert Tauberg and Madelain Tauberg
Taylor-Wilson1Great HallColumnB87Taylor-Wilson Manufacturing Company
Templeton2InnovationsRow423William Findley Templeton: Co.A. 100th PA Vol.
Thatcher1Great HallColumnG170Charles A. Thatcher: Writer and Historian
The Audrey Hillman Fisher Foundation, Inc.1Great HallColumnE68The Audrey Hillman Fisher Foundation, Inc.
The Committee of '911Great HallRow2166The Committee of '91
The History Channel1Great HallColumnD35The History Channel: Where the Past Comes Alive
The Junior League2InnovationsRow514The Junior League of Pittsburgh, PA
The Links Inc.1Great HallColumnH67Pittsburgh Chapter: The Links Incorporated
The Outlook Club1Great HallRow1175The Outlook Club: Beaver Falls, PA, 1904
The Sounds of Heritage1Great HallColumnA5The Sounds of Heritage Preserving Negro Spirituals
The Woman's Club of Mt. Lebanon1Great HallRow4145The Woman's Club of Mt. LebanonRead more
The Women's Press Club of Pittsburgh1Great HallRow421The Women's Press Club of Pittsburgh, 1891
Thomas1Great HallColumnB63Donald Earl Thomas: Metallurgist
Thomas1Great HallRow278ClarkE and Jean Thomas: A dream come true
Thompson1Great HallColumnA9Greetings from Hazelwood: The Thompson Family
Thompson1Great HallColumnB60Marion Brackenridge Thompson: Teaching his and her story
Thomson1Great HallColumnF106Thomson, Rhodes, and Cowie: Attorneys at Law
Thomson1Great HallRow317Thomas C.D. Thomson
Thomson1Great HallRow343Thomas D. Thomson: Friend
Thorne1Great HallColumnF45John Mueller Thorne, Louise Reinecke Thorne: Deeply Loved and Admired
Thornton1Great HallColumnG90A.W. Thornton: US Steel Company
Tillett2InnovationsRow210Susan Page Tillett: Museum Consultant
Tirimacco1Great HallColumnB54Karen Tirimacco: Beloved Daughter and Sister
Tkach1Great HallRow2113John and Mary Tkach: Special People
To enjoy the present1Great HallColumnH35To enjoy the present, anticipate the future and honor the past
To My Pruassian Family2InnovationsRow543To My Prussian Family, Friends and Partners in Mining
Todd1Great HallColumnH47Alexandra Todd
Tolmer1Great HallColumnC70Sara and Caitlin Tolmer: Daughters are the shapes of our hearts
Tomko1Great HallRow2221George Tomko: Father/Steelworker
Tommarello1Great HallColumnG163Julius Tommarello
Torbin1Great HallColumnB62Jean S. Torbin: Wife and Grandmother
Torisky2InnovationsRow118Martin Bage Torisky, Mary Kichty Torisky
Tovo1Great HallRow2218Pfc. Jerome Tovo: Co. B 145th Inf. AEF.
Tovo1Great HallRow46Jerome and Mary Ethel Tovo: Grandparents
Townsend2InnovationsRow15William M. Townsend
Tremer1Great HallRow416The Tremer Family
Trimble1Great HallColumnA33Arthur Garfield Trimble, 1880-1983 "I Like Ike"
Tritsch2InnovationsRow336The Arthur Tritsch Family
Troan1Great HallColumnI7In Appreciation of Our Mom and Dad, Varcey and John Troan
Tru-Weld Grating, Inc.2InnovationsColumnA18Tru-Weld Grating, Inc.
Tucci1Great HallRow422Nicholas and Josephine Cornetti Tucci
Turcic2InnovationsRow440Peter M. Turcic: Mining Engineer
Turnbull1Great HallColumnH40Louise W. Turnbull-Housewife, Matthew Turnbull-Scot
Turrentine1Great HallRow1122Stanley Turrentine: 1992 Mellon Jazz Festival Honoree
Twentieth Century Questers2InnovationsRow340Twentieth Century Questers
Uhl2InnovationsRow240Dorothy Grossheim Uhl: Mom, Albert F. Uhl, Jr.: Dad
Uhlig1Great HallColumnH12Herman Uhlig: Grandfather, 1860-1913
Ulmer1Great HallColumnF19Maude Whitford Ulmer: Beloved Aunt
Unetich1Great HallRow15Mike Unetich: Carpenter and SNPJ Officer
Ungvarsky2InnovationsRow454Stephen and Stephanie Ungvarsky
Urling1Great HallColumnE117Dr. George A. Urling Sr. Kate Barrett Urling Dentistry
Ursuline1Great HallRow275Ursuline Sisters: In Pittsburgh Since 1870 "Soli Deo Gloria"
Vale1Great HallColumnA36Vale
Van Buskirk2InnovationsRow333Arthur B. Van Buskirk: Community Leader
Varley1Great HallRow126William J. Varley, Barbara M. Varley
Varlotto2InnovationsRow515Mr. and Mrs. John M. Varlotto, Sr. and Family
Varzaly2InnovationsColumnA49Rt. Rev. Stephen Varzaly: St. Michael's, Rankin
Vaux1Great HallRow222Dr. James E. Vaux, SSA 65 Honored Teacher & Mentor Prof. Chemistry, CMU & PITT
Vaux1Smithsonian WingRow222Dr. James E. Vaux, SSA 65 Honored Teacher & Mentor Prof. Chemistry, CMU & PITT
Vecenie1Great HallColumnB16In Memory of Joseph Vecenie Millvale, PA
Vecenie1Great HallColumnB16In Memory of Joseph Vecenie Millvale, PA
Venger2InnovationsRow250Harold J. Venger: Father
Vensel1Great HallRow2217Blaine Vensel: Retired Welder and Farmer
Vento1Great HallRow139Ralph and Margaret Vento
Ventura1Great HallColumnG76Antoinette and Joseph Ventura: 50th Wedding Anniversary, January 8, 1949
Verri1Great HallRow282In Memory of Frank and Mary Verri
Vescio2InnovationsRow115Thomas A. Vescio, Salvatore Vescio
Vincentian Sisters of Charity1Great HallRow2231Vincentian Sisters of Charity
Visiting Nurse Association1Great HallColumnE35Visiting Nurse Association of Allegheny County: Quality Care, 1919-2000
Vith2InnovationsRow456Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Vith, Laura G. Vith and Family
Vitulla1Great HallColumnC63Father: Andrew A. Vitulla: 16th Street Ice House
Vogel & Yermack & Alexander1Great HallRow448The Vogel, Yermack and Alexander Families
Vukmanic2InnovationsColumnA22The Vukmanic Family: John, Jean and Carol
Wachawczyk1Great HallRow2262Cyprian and Agatha Wachawczyk: Heater J&L, Homemaker
Walker1Great HallColumnE118Thomas Algeo Walker, Clara Urling Walker: Industry and Dental
Wall1Great HallColumnG95James and Walter Wall: Elizabeth Forward Township
Walton2InnovationsRow517Marguerite and Miller Walton: James, Nancy and Jody
Watkins1Great HallRow2130Ellen and Emily Watkins: Granddaughters
Watkins2InnovationsRow122Charles B. Watkins: Attorney
Wean1Great HallRow144Raymond John Wean, Jr.: In Honor of 75 Years
Weber1Great HallRow492Pat and Michael Weber: For Our Parents
Wechsler1Great HallColumnF96Jacqueline and Irving A. Wechsler
Wehrle1Great HallRow2165J. Reed Wehrle: Coach
Weidner1Great HallColumnH27Emily and Zak Weidner: Our Children
Weidner1Great HallColumnH86William R. Weidner: Father
Weightman1Great HallColumnH87John Henry Weightman: Father
Weil1Great HallRow2243A. Leo Weil, 1858-1938: Lawyer, Civic Leader, Reformer
Weinberg1Great HallColumnE26Benjamin B. Weinberg: EngineerRead more
Weinberg2InnovationsRow138Helen and Arnold Weinberg
Weis1Great HallRow31Judge Joseph F. Weis, Jr.: From His Children
Weiss2InnovationsRow16In Loving Memory of Dr. Oliver F. Weiss
Weisser1Great HallColumnA1Stella and Frank Weisser: Parents and Pittsburghers
Wells1Great HallColumnC97Walter John Wells: SteelworkerRead more
Wells1Great HallRow145Mr. Edward S. Wells, Mrs. Rebecca A. Wells
Wendell1Great HallRow265The Wendell Family
Wentz-Parker1Great HallColumnE32Joanne Wentz and Robert Parker: Two Special People, One Great Couple
Werner1Great HallRow443The Werner Family: Chuck and PaulineRead more
Wertz1Great HallRow127Savino - Kiley, Wallace - Wertz, Kile - Wertz Families
West Mifflin Energy Corp1Great HallColumnE39West Mifflin Energy Corp. West Mifflin PA
Weylman1Great HallColumnF74Myrtle Howard John Weylman: Grandmother
Whetzel1Great HallColumnE76Josh and Farley Whetzel and Family
White1Great HallRow122Sherman and Ruth White
White2InnovationsRow312Jeffrey Roy White: Son, Postal Service
White2InnovationsRow314Beth Lynn White: Daughter, Cosmetologist
White1SmithsonianRow620Dwight White Pittsburgh Steelers '78
White1Great HallColumnG40William J & Cil J White Jan, Billy, Jean, Connie US Army - PGH Police - Amer Leg
White1Great HallColumnG41James J & Elizabeth White Tom, Joe, Bill, Sue, Liz US Army - PGH Police - US Post
White1Great HallColumnG42Joseph L & Stacy L White Rhiannon Rose Riverview Valley Stables
White-Lyon2InnovationsRow313Kimberly White Lyon: Daughter, Artist
Whitehall1Great HallColumnI3Donated by Dan and Linda Vereb of Whitehall
Wichmann1Great HallColumnC104Russell G. Wichmann: Church Musician/TeacherRead more
Wichmann1Great HallColumnD90Russell G. Wichmann: Church Musician/TeacherRead more
Wickerham1Great HallRow438Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wickerham
Wickerham1Great HallRow496D. Lawrence, Mary Lou and Andrew Wickerham
Wiegand1Great HallRow313Frank L. Wiegand III, Elizabeth D. Wiegand and Family
Wiley1Great HallColumnE126Josie and Don Wiley
Wiley1Great HallRow256Robert A. and Ruth (Herbst) Wiley: ParentsRead more
Wilgus1Great HallRow471Ruth Scott Cooley Wilgus: A Loving Spirit
Wilkinsburg Historical Society1Great HallColumnC59Wilkinsburg Historical Society
Williams1Great HallColumnH9Charles Conard Williams and Mary Catherine Reitz Williams
Williams1Great HallColumnH10Samuel Conard Williams and Mary Catherine Reitz Williams
Williams1Great HallRow1123Mary Lou Williams: 1991 Mellon Jazz Festival HonoreeRead more
Williams1Great HallRow2271For My Parents and Friends: David and Linda WilliamsRead more
Wilson1Great HallRow290William J. Wilson: Father and Friend
Wilson1Great HallRow291Mary Hart Wilson: Teacher - Wife
Wilson1Great HallRow2249Mr. and Mrs. J. Vernon WilsonRead more
Wilson1Great HallRow445Robert Lee Wilson, Jr.: Pittsburgher
Wilson2InnovationsRow219John Hart Wilson III: In Memory of J.H. Wilson FamilyRead more
Wilson2InnovationsRow442Sarah Kennedy Wilson: Loving MotherRead more
Wilson2InnovationsRow523Russell B. Wilson: Father
Winfield1Great HallColumnH15Arden Winfield Roberts: Father
Wirtz1Great HallColumnA26Tod, Stuart and Lydia Wirtz
Wirtz1Great HallColumnA27Olga and William Anton, Charlotte and Henry Wirtz
Wiskemann2InnovationsRow549The Wiskemann Family
Witherspoon1Great HallColumnA38Campbell and Mariann Witherspoon: TeachersRead more
Wittkofski1Great HallRow491Joseph & Laura Wittkofski: Priest and Teacher
Wohleber1Great HallColumnH73Mary Wohleber: Troy Hill's HistorianRead more
Wolf1Great HallRow269In Memory of Paul C. and Olive B. Wolf
Wolf1Great HallRow2228Lynn P. Wolf 1938-1998 Teacher and FriendRead more
Wolf1SmithsonianRow337Bruce M. & Sheryl K. Wolf J Kendal & Oliver J Wolf
Wolfanger2InnovationsRow256Sally B. and Craig A. Wolfanger
Wolff & Davis2InnovationsRow26Donald Dunzee Wolff, Jr., Carolyn Dickson Davis
Wolff & Glaser2InnovationsRow25Henry Wallace Wolff, Bertha Glaser
Wolffe &Sloan2InnovationsRow23Donald Dunzee Wolff, Jane Arnold Sloan
Wolk1Great HallRow2237Joshua N. and Anna T. WolkRead more
Wolowic2InnovationsRow235Joseph and Mary Wolowic: Grandparents
Wolstoncroft2InnovationsRow237Mr. and Mrs. James Wolstoncroft: Henry, Jr.
Woman's Fortnightly Review1Great HallRow120Woman's Fortnightly Review of Mount Lebanon
Women's Overseas Service League1Great HallColumnF105Women's Overseas Service LeagueRead more
Woodings1Great HallRow298Robert T. Woodings, Jr.: Businessman, Father, '32-'95
Woodwell1Great HallRow333Margot and Bill Woodwell
Wozniak2InnovationsColumnA16Adam and Stella Wozniak and Family
Wright1Great HallColumnC119Jack Richard Wright, Nancy Swanson Wright: Jeff, Scott, JudiRead more
Wright1Great HallRow117Violet H. Wright: Mother and Grandmother
Wright1Great HallRow249Lewis, Susan, Grace and David Wright
Wright1Great HallRow250Stephen C. and David W. Graffam and Susan G. Wright
Wuchenich2InnovationsColumnA44Jovo and Marta Wuchenich
Wylie2InnovationsRow535Mr. and Mrs. Gist M. Wylie
Yakima2InnovationsRow545The Yakima Family: Bernard, Louise and Francis
Yaksich2InnovationsRow13Mike and Mary Yaksich Family: Roominghouse RestaurantRead more
Yates1Great HallRow2246The Yates Family
Yates1Great HallRow482November 27, 1998: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Marilu and Dan Yates
Yohe1Great HallColumnA17George Ward Yohe: 1st boy born in ThornburgRead more
Yohe2InnovationsRow540John K. Yohe, Jr. and FamilyRead more
Yost1Great HallRow133William G. Yost: Southside MerchantRead more
Yurcon1Great HallColumnH91G. Edward Yurcon: Vice President of Law, Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RR
Yurkovich1Great HallRow2134Edward J. Yurkovich: Structural Engineer, Pittsburgh, PA
Zadrozny2InnovationsRow537Robert and Agnes Zadrozny: Father and MotherRead more
Zahorchak1Great HallRow198Michael G. Zahorchak: AuthorRead more
Zak2InnovationsColumnA48Amelia S. Kazior Zak: Mother
Zanotti1Great HallRow225Zanotti Family - Palmira, Elvira, Esther, Linda, Lillian, Victor, Livio
Zaren1Great HallRow124Jake Allen Zaren: Son
Zaren1Great HallRow125H.A. Zaren, MD: Number One Dad
Zeigler2InnovationsRow252Elizabeth Caskey Zeigler: Teacher/CousinRead more
Zellars2InnovationsRow547Andrea and Thomas Zellars
Zmigrosky1Great HallColumnB84Mike and Milie Zmigrosky: ParentsRead more
Zottoli1Great HallColumnC43Coastal Displays of Pittsburgh: The Zottoli Family
Zupsic1Great HallColumnH81The Matthew M. Zupsic Family: Matt, Vicki, Tina, Matt O.