Fort Pitt Scout Programs
The Fort Pitt Museum offers programs for both Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts. Bring your scouts to the Fort Pitt Museum to learn more about early Pittsburgh and work on adventure and badge requirements!
To inquire about a program, please contact Living History Coordinator, Justin Meinert, at 412-454-6419 or [email protected]. All programs must be scheduled at least three weeks in advance. Please have the following information available:
- Pack/Troop Number
- Number of Scouts and Chaperones
- Choice of Two to Three Dates and Times
Please note that submitting an inquiry is not a confirmation of a program.
Interested in overnight outdoor camping after your Fort Pitt adventure? Contact our friends at Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Historic Village at [email protected] to discuss.
Cub Scouts
All tours begin with an orientation movie that describes the three groups of people in western Pennsylvania who wanted to own the land at the Forks of the Ohio River. Following the movie, groups explore the first floor and enjoy hands-on, history-inspired activities. Next, groups participate in a scavenger hunt on the second-floor and finish with a period weapons demonstration (weather permitting) by a trained costumed interpreter.
Program Length: 1.5 hours
Program Minimum: 5 Scouts/1 Adult
Program Maximum: None.
Cost: $6 per Scout; $6 per chaperone. Note: The Basic Tour Program does not include the cost of a Fort Pitt Museum patch.
Cost: $5 per Scout; $6 per chaperone
Please note that self-guided tours must still be arranged in advance. They require an arrival and departure time for scheduling.
Girl Scouts
All tours begin with an orientation movie that describes the three groups of people in western Pennsylvania who wanted to own the land at the Forks of the Ohio River. Following the movie, groups explore the first floor and enjoy hands-on, history-inspiredactivities. Next, groups participate in a scavenger hunt on the second-floor and finish with a period weapons demonstration(weather permitting) by a trained costumed interpreter.
Basic Tour Program – Badge-Related Activities
The following is a list of badge related activities scouts can complete by participating in the Basic Tour Program.
Brownies – Celebrating Community Step 1, 4
Scouts learn about the family crest of William Pitt that served as inspiration for Pittsburgh’s city logo.
Daisies – Making Choices Petal Step 1
Juniors – Savvy Shopper Step 1, 2
Scouts learn how the fur trade fueled economy on the frontier and learn the basics between needs and wants.
Juniors – Detective Step 1
Scouts participate in a scavenger hunt on the second floor where they must find and identify multiple objects related to early Pittsburgh.
Program Length: 1.5 hours
Program Minimum: 5 Scouts/1 Adult
Program Maximum: None.
Cost: $5 per Scout; $5 per Chaperone. The Basic Tour Program does not include the cost of a Fort Pitt Museum patch.
The following is a list of badge related activities scouts can complete by participating in the Basic Tour Program.
Brownies – Celebrating Community Step 1, 4
Scouts learn about the family crest of William Pitt that served as inspiration for Pittsburgh’s city logo.
Daisies – Making Choices Petal Step 1
Juniors – Savvy Shopper Step 1, 2
Scouts learn how the fur trade fueled economy on the frontier and learn the basics between needs and wants.
Juniors – Detective Step 1
Scouts participate in a scavenger hunt on the second floor where they must find and identify multiple objects related to early Pittsburgh.
Program Length: 1.5 hours
Program Minimum: 5 Scouts/1 Adult
Program Maximum: None.
Cost: $6 per Scout; $6 per Chaperone. The Basic Tour Program does not include the cost of a Fort Pitt Museum patch.
Program Length: 2.5-3 hours
Program Minimum: 5 Scouts/1 Adult
Program Maximum: 30 Scouts/No Maximum for Adults
Cost: $15 per Scout; $6 per Chaperone
All programs start with the Basic Tour Program, which includes a tour of the museum’s two floors, hands-on activities, and a period weapons demonstration (weather permitting). Following the tour, is a short break where groups can enjoy a snack break (provided by group) in a section of the Museum. After the break, groups may also work on badge-related activities. The cost of the program includes all badge-related materials and a Fort Pitt Museum patch (for scouts only). Please look at the list below to find the activity that best fits your group’s needs.
Note: The Fort Pitt Museum does not sell or provide scout badges. Any earned badges must be purchased or ordered directly through scout council shops.
Nature Artist – Brownies
Badge: Painting
Badge Steps Completed – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Scouts learn about some of the featured artists displayed in the Fort Pitt Museum and go on an art work scavenger hunt to compare different styles. Scouts will also have some hands-on painting time to create a landscape and paint with materials found in Point State Park to create a mural of the things they learned.
We Love Pittsburgh! – Brownies
Badge: Celebrating Community
Badge Steps Completed – 1, 3, 4, 5
Scouts learn about early Pittsburgh symbols and tour the National Historic Landmark of Point State Park while making a landmark map to share with other scouts. Scouts will also learn to march like 18th century soldiers and how to fold an American flag to practice for future flag ceremonies.
Frontier Women – Juniors
Badge: Playing the Past
Badge Steps Completed – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Scouts learn about some of the women who lived in early Pittsburgh and are permitted to explore the galleries to “research” inspiration for a diary or letter entry by a character of their choosing using quill and ink. Scouts will also try on reproduction clothing, play period games, and learn basic sewing techniques to construct their own 18th century pocket.
Treaty Negotiators – Cadettes
Badge: Finding Common Ground
Badge Steps Completed – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Scouts will learn how Fort Pitt was the diplomatic center for Indian negotiations by analyzing historic treaties and learning about the viewpoints of each group involved. Using provided primary resources, scouts will break into groups to prepare and conduct a mock treaty negotiation followed by group discussion.
Pocket Artists – Senior
Badge: Textile Artist
Badge Steps Completed – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
This is an advanced level of the Juniors’ Frontier Woman program. Scouts will learn the basics of embroidery and 18th century patterns to embroider their own pocket.
The following is a list of activities you can add to your program (basic or badge related) to help your scouts complete additional badge requirements. If necessary, you can also request a break during which scouts may enjoy snacks and drinks provided by your group.
Brownies – Celebrating Community Step 4
Historic Games
Led by Fort Pitt Museum staff, scouts play with a variety of period games and toys such as Nine Men’s Morris, cup and ball, and cricket (outdoor activities are weather permitting).
- Daisies – Lupe Petal Step 3
- Brownies – Fair Place Step 1, 4
- Juniors – Playing the Past Step 4
Tour of the Point State Park
Led by the Environmental Educator, the tour of Point State Park focuses on how the park has transformed over time and how to spot signs of life in the park from bug and animal tracks and nests to footsteps and litter. Please note that this add-on is based on the availability of the park educator.
- Brownies – Bugs Step 1, 3, 4, 5
- Juniors – Animal Habitats Step 1, 2, 5
- Juniors – Gardener Step 1, 2
- Juniors – Camper Step 4
- Cadettes – Trees Step 1, 2
- Ambassadors – Water Step 1
The following is a list of suggested post-trip activities that can complete additional badge steps. Please also reference the badge programs listed above for additional inspiration for post trip activities.
Juniors – Animal Habitats Step 3
If you added a tour of Point State Park to your program to learn about animals native to Pittsburgh, make an animal home to share at your next scout meeting and explain how it will help animals in Pittsburgh. This could even include building a home for feral cats that live in the area.
Cadettes – Comic Artist Step 2, 3, 4, 5
Make a comic about one of the stories your learned during your visit during Fort Pitt. You can make a comic about Indians trading furs at Fort Pitt. You can make a comic about the Battle of the Monongahela or other attempt to reclaim the Forks of the Ohio.
Brownies – Bugs Step 2
If you added a tour of Point State Park to your program to learn about the bugs, make one of the bugs you saw at the park out of craft materials like construction paper or paper plates. You can make a spider, caterpillar, butterfly, or even a praying mantis.
Juniors – Gardener Step 5
Seniors – Adventurer Step 4
If you added a tour of Point State Park to your program to learn about gardening, try designing and building your own garden or look into volunteering with a local garden group that maintains a public garden like those at Point State Park.
Cadettes – Trees Step 5
Seniors – Adventurer Step 4
If you added a tour of Point State Park to your program to learn about the trees in western Pennsylvania, join a volunteer group that helps replants trees in places like Point State Park and other areas around Pittsburgh.
- Brownies – Snacks Step 2, 3, 4, 5
- Juniors – Simple Meals Step 2, 3, 4, 5
- Cadettes – New Cuisines Step 3, 4, 5
- Cadettes – Trailblazing Step 3
- Seniors – Locavore Step 3, 4, 5
- Ambassadors – Dinner Party Step 1, 3
Learn about 18th century recipes you can enjoy at home by visiting the History Is Served website operated by Colonial Williamsburg. You can make a dish or snack to share at your next meeting to talk about your visit to Fort Pitt.
Juniors – Scribe Step 5
After visiting the Fort Pitt Museum, write a brief essay about your experiences. Describe the things you enjoyed and did not enjoy. Describe at least one thing you learned from your visit and why you think other scouts or visitors may benefit from going to the Fort Pitt Museum.
Please note that self-guided tours must still be arranged in advance. They require an arrival and departure time for scheduling.
Cost: $5 per Scouts; $5 per Chaperone